Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Hi, Kitties! Miss me? I sure missed all of you! 
But bear with me here, for I have things to tell you that Are.Not.Pretty.

Who's THIS?
Well, as you could perhaps read if you biggified the picture, this is JAINA, the resident kitteh with whom my Human had a weekend fling during her sojourn in the Valley. 
         They talked! They cuddled! They looked longingly into each other's eyes!

But, Kitties, I tell you: It gets even WORSE!
This is Tripp the Dog. Shameless Woofie HellHound is more like it. Just LOOK at him with his little stub-for-a-tail and his soft, droopy ears! He bounded right up to the Human, playfully tilting his irresistible little head, as if to say, "Where have you been all my life?" 

Well, I can say no more. I am sure you all can see for yourselves how cruelly I have been betrayed. 

* * * * *

Hope you all had a glorious Fourth! I don't think these fireworks look very Safe or Sane, do you? 
But the Human swears they were.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

They CUDDLED??? Toe-biting is required, at LEAST!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Sounds like sumbean might get the bitey put on them!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

OMC! How are you going to punish your human for this awful infraction?! Are you giving her the you-are-dead-to-me penalty?

Mr Puddy said...

Make a plan, and wait till she come home..Then " Boom !! " ; )

Miss you so much, buddy

Angel Simba said...

Well, Spitty, all I cn say is at least she came back to YOU. That's really all you've got in the end, but it does matter.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, Spitty, we feel your pain. Our mom cheats on us every day with two other kitties and we don't like it one bit.

Your human might need the back of disrespect for a while, or the bitey...something to demonstrate your annoyance!

Teddy Westlife said...

I presume you are giving your human the back of disrespect.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Did you give the sniffs of disapproval? Have you taken messages when affections are offered, and noted that you will get back to the humans when it is convenient for you? You must take back charge of them!

Tucker The Crestie said...

Humans can be fickle, Spitty - but I am sure you have thought of some ways to get even with her - right?

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wow Spitty, who wodda thunk it!

OKcats said...

We really hate it when our mom abandons us AND cheats on us.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

"Shameless Woofie Hellhound!!" OMG!!! lol!!! I may have to borrow that at home one day lol.

Missed you!!
Welcome back!!
Tell the "shameless hussies" hello too!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

...at least she didn't bring the SWH home with her...that would have been the the last straw! And no, not safe or sane...we be much wiser than that, right?!

Athena said...

Time for the back of disrespect!

Stacy Hurt said...

Well, I have some leftover sparklers; I say when your human is sleeping you can...er... insert them and light them! THAT'LL teach the traitorous wretch! AND it would be most fun to watch!

Send photos

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Photo Cache said...

I think someone named Spitty is planning some revenge.

Emma and Buster

Admiral Hestorb said...

i go for Ms Stella's advice, my dear. Meanwhile I have hams are waiting to assuage your anger at this travesty you have endured!

Tamago said...

Oh Spitty, I know you are betrayed and feeling unhappy, but I hope your human were very nice to you when she came back home!
The photo of fireworks does look kind of insane!! Glad your human came back home safe :-)

Raymond and Busby said...

We missed you pal! Now our stupid humans are going out of town for a week. Duhr. Look for us on facebook in the meantime.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Spitty, you're back!!!!
The cat was bad enough but fraternizing with that woofie is too much! Poop in her shoe.

Mr Puddy said...

Hey, Spitty
Me again...I just wonder do you have FB., You can add me " MrPuddy Puddy"


She cheated on you!
OH my...oh no....I say Spitty will find his revenge!


The Island Cats said...

Spitty, what your human did is unacceptable! We hope you come up with a suitable punishment for her....we know you will.

Willow said...

Humans are always being swayed towards infidently they can not seem to help themselves. That is why we need to mark them with our scent before they leave Spitty this way other cats and dogs know they are ours.

KarenMcG said...


If we were you, we'd cry no fair...to leave you all by yourself for "those two"! It's an outrage. No wonder you don't sound in a good mood.

But what's this about not wanting to get into a box? We read it right at Kittens 'n Things today! Thanks for stopping by. We were glad to see you.

Ivan from WMD said...

That is beyond redemption, Spitty. Want me to send Screamoline over to make her deaf?

Clooney said...

Oh Spitty, you cracks me up! It's probably a good thing you weren't around theese fireworks! Yowsers...that Ms. Stella is a "firecracker", isn't she! (And thanks for your concern, I appreciates it.)

Katnip Lounge said...

wrong! wrong, wrong, WRONG.