Friday, September 2, 2011

Why I Need My Tray

I'm a messy eater.


Fuzzy Tales said...

No,no, not "messy," Spitty, just mancatly!

Whisppy said...

Ahhhhh. Now I understand. I thought it was to remind your human of her place everytime she carried the tray and placed it for you to eat.

Living to SERVE her Spitty-the-Kitty. :)

Angel Simba said...

But surely that is the NORMAl way? Now that I have Audrey here, she cleans up after me.

Tucker The Crestie said...

That's ok, Spitty! Your pretty green tray means you can make any kind of mess you want! Our cat kids tend to be messy eaters as well, whereas Phoebe and I are very neat. Guess it just goes to prove you can't rely on stereotypes.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey, I agree with Fuzzy Tales, you're not messy, the plate is too small!

Cathy Keisha said...

Yeah, that's an awfully small pllate. And that kibble dish needs a refill. You can't get good help these days.

The Florida Furkids said...

We think the plate needs to be bigger too!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Admiral Hestorb said...

That's a realllly small plate my mancat..and moare kibble, please! n(oops, did I eat all of that when I was there??)

Shaggy and Scout said...

You are just a man who enjoys his food with gusto.

Anonymous said...

We have a tray too 'cause Monkee is just like you. He can't seem to eat the food when it's in the bowl.

GreatGranny said...

Mom removed my tray acause I'm messy anyhow.
xoxo Kassey

Unknown said...

messy is good though right ? I hope so because all of my kitties are messy eaters they take the food out of the dish, on to the floor, sniff it, lick it and then eat it! Such an ordeal

Love your green try Spitty!


Unknown said...

Doh! I mean green tray . . .sorry Spitty it late on a friday night - what do you expect from a mere bean x

Katnip Lounge said...

Thus necessitating a PLACE MAT!

For Cod's sake.

Ivan from WMD said...

Too bad you don't have a bro like mine. He'd just vacuum that right up for you.

Athena said...

Kit and I are messy eaters too. We haf a place mat but we still make a mess. Maybe we should get a tray too!

Summer at said...

Heh, if we were that messy my human would use paper towels instead of a cool, fancy tray. She is lazy AND a cheapskate.


We like to spread the food around too, but that's why we have Mom around, to clean up after us.

Julia Williams said...

Oh my you are a messy cat!! Luckily you have a smart hoomin who has rigged it so you can be as messy as you please.

The Island Cats said...

Me too, Spitty...I like eating off the floor.


Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

Messy-shmessy. You are a good eater, Spitty. That's what counts!

Laura and Taffy

Angel Prancer Pie said...

You say that like it's a bad thing.....

Clooney said...

Good on ya Spits! I'm a messy eater too. We've been MIA and we always miss so many good things that you got going on Spitty, so we went back through it all and caught up. Have a great weekend!

Luxington said...

Me too! Maybe I need a tray...