Sunday, June 10, 2012

ManCat Monday: Ebil Skwerls, Vishus Deer

Yeah, those are what I wish I could see out my kitchen window. But Noooooooooo
I see other Humans' underwear flapping in the breeze. And what's fun or nommy about that, I ask you? Frankly, it's enough to kill a ManCat's appetite.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Underpants, schmunderpants! They would look good wif sum yak on them!

Summer at said...

Oh ick. Humans can be so disgusting sometimes.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Ahhhh are most welcome to come over anytime...just remember, our Mommy is known as the *Butcher* on our streets...heh heh.

Your Malaysian Pal, Boomer

Angel Simba said...

Hey, that looks like OUR deck railing! Dad emailed Mom that Audrey paw touched the feathers of a dove chilling on the railing the other day. SUPER exciting for her. I hope that doesn't make you feel worse, Spitty. Maybe next time you come over and sleep in the red bed die, you can also hang out on the deck together for a while.

Teddy Westlife said...

That's not a good view at all. Sorry Spitty.

Marg said...

Oh Spitty, that is not good. You need to come visit us really soon. We have tons of squirrels and birds plus some really pretty gals that want to meet you since you are so darn handsome.

Cory said...

Underwear? they don't happen to hang any socks up they?? ::swoon::



Pandafur said...

Oh Spitty! You must come play on mai catio. I haz grownd skwirrels an birdies right on teh other side of teh skreen! One day I iz going to rip rite thru that screen an then...oh yes! We can stratijize teh best way to take care of teh Joffrey pawblem *sharpens claws*

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my Spitty, that just isn't any real fun at all!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

gotta agree with you Spitty...BORING!!

Shaggy and Scout said...


Ivan from WMD said...

I think that if your Human really loved you, she'd get a place with better entertainment for you!

Katnip Lounge said...

Yeah, and it's not even "interesting" underwear.
Mommy says NO WAY to the tenth of a point deduction. She says your Human needs to leave that nasty school stuff attitude at WORK.

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

I think that a bad view for my cat is a perfectly good reason to buy another house (hopefully one with its own cat room).

meowmeowmans said...

Stoopid humans! No deer or squirrels are going to EVER come by your window with those underwears flapping around!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

maybe some squirrels or birdies will wander across the clothes lines and uh... put some droppings on them, you know, so they'll rethink putting such things in your line of sight.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Imagine that! Peeps hanging out their laundry for all to see!!! purrs

Cathy Keisha said...

HAH! TW says she didn't know peeps still line dried their clothes. I think it's illegal around here cos, you know, other people don't wanna look at it.


OH dear Spitty.
We would be so embarrassed if our hooman did that. WE are embarrassed for those hoomans. Showing their bloomers in public.


The Island Cats said...

You allow that in your kingdom, Spitty???

Katie Isabella said...

Spitty...I believe that you may have to threaten your mom with the B word. B for Bomit. xxoooxx

Oui Oui said...

That is just plain nasty! We have been teased lately by baby bunnies and chipmunks. That's not fun either cause we don't get to "play" with them!

Unknown said...

Oh Spitty!
That is just so sad! Me will keep my river and the birds and the racoons and the deer and the squirrels and the quail and the bears and the cougars and the horses and the coyotes and the cows and the sheep and the bats and....

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, by the way, King Spitty, the humans here say they got the crown bed at the "Christmas Tree Shops," which is sort of like "Big Lots." Unfortunately, it was quite some time ago (like years), so they don't have them anymore. We will check to see what the label says, and let you know, okay?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha eeiiiwwww no one likes human underwear!!
Maybe your humans should get you a fish tank to watch?...

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

Ah, but Spitty, you should think about what fun it would be to sprint along that high wire, unclipping the clothespins as you go! Truly worthy of basement cat, don't you think?

Laura & Taffy

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

WOW, that is NOT what ya wanna see when ya look outta window!

Anonymous said...

Hiya Spitty...first, ya have some more awards to pick up from my Monday post if you want.You deserve lots more, and I just want ya to know how much I like your bloggy!

As for your entertaining view...seriously...peeps' undies??!! Ya gotta get your staff to do better by you my man...I mean, sheesh...ya look so great in a tux...ya outta have some good lookin' squirrels and stuff to look at!