Sunday, November 18, 2012

O Where, O Where Can You Be?

                                O Blankie! my Blankie! our summer's days are spent;  
                                And I have weather'd many storms, the Tut'ring much grief sent;
                                The winter's near, its bells I hear, the table's cold and bare,
                                Your Soft Brown Fluff would gently cushion my expanding derriè

                                                                               -With heartfelt apologies to Walt Whitman


Sweet Purrfections said...

You can come and cuddle with us. We'll keep you warm.

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh Spitty! Expand that rear end any more and Mommy will be after you next with the Warm Washcloth of Delight.

I get my bottom gently lavaged every's SUCH a time-saver to have my nethers cleaned (and combed dry!).

Yr Curvy JLL Gal, Salem xx

Catio Tales said...

Before your Human does anything involving a was cloth, please ensure she correctly sets up the video camera. You know, she might need it when she files the personal injury claim, And we'll definitely need it for entertainment!
We hope you find your blankie, but suspect you left it some place when you were out smooching one of your ladycat friends.

Unknown said...

Spitty, me really wants to see yous get your bottom wiped! Me would PAY to see that!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Spitty Bum!!!! Oh so cute! I'd love to give you a scritch at the base of that floofy tail!

Star says: Dearest Spitty, you definitely need a soft something to lay on! May I volunteer?

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Ahem, where IS your blankie? And so what if your bum is expanding? More of the Spitster to love, we say! We don't know about having your rear washed, though. We'll let you decide that! MOL!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Does your blanket still find sunbath to do?
Come up right now!! You need it.

Mr. Black said...

You look like a big, soft pillow.
A pillow with a head, but a pillow nonetheless.

Summer at said...

What?! Your human has not pulled out your blanket yet?! What's wrong with her - it is getting cold!!

Anonymous said...

BOL your expanding derrière?!:)

Ramblingon said...


Pat Hatt said...

Sure it you will find
Been hanging around my little rhyming behind
A bit too long
As you rhyme up a song haha

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Oh no! Where can it be? Time to call out the FBI! purrs

Shaggy and Scout said...

Blankie-less! This is Not Right that you must lay your Royal Self on the cold hard surface. Maybe one of your ladycat friends could teleport on over with some softness.

Cathy Keisha said...

Oh no! She didn't hide your blankie again! If'n I were you, I'd give that table a good scratching and then she'd HAVE to cover it with something. Yo Spitty Human! You got a cat! don't be ashamed of it.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am sure that the blankie will obey the Royal command!

Mollie said...

Where's ya Pink one ?? MOL. Yes, your Butt does look big on that table Spitty..MOL ( only kidding ya, I nose how sensitive you iz ) :) XX00XX

Mollie and Alfie

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

If your bum keeps growing like Sassy's does, can I call you Old Thunder Butt like I do Sassy?

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Your bum's not big, you've just got your winter coat on :-)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

can't stop laughing lol

GLOGIRLY said...

Oh, Spitty.....I'm afraid you don't even know the meaning of cold. Come live here in the frozen tundra with me. And my beddie.
; ) Katie

Tamago said...

I hope your blankie will show up soon, Spitty! If not, you can come here. We have blankie prepared for you. And blankie comes with me so you need to snuggle with me...:-)

Anonymous said...

I can share one of my afghans with you Spitty..Course, ot my fave blue one, but I two more...want me to bring it over?

CATachresis said...

Teleporting over with my pink blankie! I cannot stand here and let a buddy suffer in this way!!!! ;)

Colehaus Cats said...

Until that blankie appears, we thinks you should make it known you are not amused at its disappearance. We mean, it's cold out there! Purrs...from those not mentioning the derriere part at

Anonymous said...

Cuddle with your humans!

The Island Cats said...

Spitty, that is just so sad seeing you laying on that bare cold table. We hafta look away....

Ivan from WMD said...

Wasn't there like Prop 942 on the ballot making this very problem of missing cat blankets illegal???

Anonymous said...

I hope you find your blankie soon Spitty! I don't know what I would do without mine...


there are three ladycats here who would love to cuddle with you!

Mariodacat said...

Good poem pal. You are looking extra handsome and floofy today - all spruced up for hte ladies?

Just Ducky said...

Oh that was a good poem, Spitty. No 'pologies needed.