Sunday, August 9, 2015

Crouching Kitty, Hidden Claws of Doom

Watch out, Dangly Toy! You know not what fate awaits you. 

Someone is waiting here to keeeeel you!


Lone Star Cats said...

That toy are gonna get it!

The Florida Furkids said...

That toy better watch out!

The Florida Furkids

Catio Tales said...

Here's Spittttttyyyyyyyyyy !

Megan said...

You can take the pusscat out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the pusscat, can you Spitty? Show that dangly toy your best killer moves.

Sydney, Australia

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Wild Spitty! Kill that toy!! Yow!

When the cat is away said...

Oh! This toy sounds like a lot of fun! Why don't we get one??? This is not fair.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We have no idea what that dangly toy is, but that is sure a purrfect place fer it ta wait fer attention.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Be afraid dangly toy. Be very afraid!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

It never had a chance with you on the job, Spitster!

Eastside Cats said...

Spitty, looks like you get to play, and get brushies at the same time! Score!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

bet you deaded it!

Photo Cache said...

This dangly toy never ever learns.

Emma and Buster

Brian's Home Blog said...

The Spitty Strike Force!

Oui Oui said...

It's even better if you "accidentally" hook some skin too. Thank you for your very kind words when we lost our Julie, it was so comforting to hear from you and all our old friends. We feel badly we haven't written back before now but it is still upsetting. It's so good to see you again, we think of all our blogging friends often. Purrs & headbonks!

Ivan from WMD said...

No toy should tease you, Spitty!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh boy!
Is it dead yet?
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Noodle Cat said...

Dangly toy doesn't stand a chance!
Have a great week...

Noodle and crew

The Island Cats said...

We wouldn't want to be that toy.

pilch92 said...

You can get it no problem :)

Cathy Keisha said...

What is that implement of torture you are in? I’d ignore the dangly toy.

meowmeowmans said...

Dangly toy is in for a world of hurt!

Kitties Blue said...

LOL...MOL! Did you get it, Spitty? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo