Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Spittyless Triptych

Pretty soon the original Bay Bridge will be gone-gone-gone. 

And yes, strictly speaking, the Human *did* take this while she was driving.

This is Teddy. He is ultra-handsome. The Human tried to have a fling with him this afternoon, but he spurned her for the cheating floozie that she is.

Pillows held hostage: Day 4.


Ivan from WMD said...

Spitty, what is wrong with your human? Doesn't she realize there are dozens of homes you could move to?

Mickey's Musings said...

The new bridge is going to look nice.
One of our bridges is undergoing a major refit(including deck replacement)
Seriously, we cannot understand why your human does not like your furs on her pillow.
They would give her much better dreams :)
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Angel Simba said...

Spitty, I think it is time to pee on those pillows. And maybe on the human too, for considering cheating on you.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I guess Teddy doesn't like THAT type of human! ;-)

Lone Star Cats said...

Ya need to dig under those covers and rub black furs all over da pillows. STAT.

The Island Cats said...

C'mon, Spitty! Get creative. And get those pillows!

rainbow said...

Oh no! We thought things might be improving when you received that special scratcher but now, your human is trying to consort with ANOTHER and she didn't even include you in the post. Stern measures are required, Spitty; good luck!!
Purrs ... Rainbow

Catio Tales said...

Are you going to let a thin little blankie prevent you form getting to those pillows ? Now come on dude, you can do better!!!! Are you a mancat or pikku pentu ? Actually, pikku pentu would just go for it and destroy......

Megan said...

A Spittyless post is always to be scorned. It seems clear Spitty that you're gonna have to help your Human set up her own blog. Get her in front of the computer when you're feeling strong; use small words; speak slowly; be patient; allow five times as long as you would imagine necessary.

Good luck. In the meantime, sit quietly, plotting various means of getting to those pillows. I'm confident that you can do it.

Sydney, Australia

Angel Prancer Pie said...

What's a little cat fur and cat bum on your pillow?? We would be delighted for you to fur our pillows!

Furries said...

Teddy is a handsome boy. I'm not sure he has the best judgement when it comes to humans thought because I'm sure your human would have given him a really good petting.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Spitty, what's the matter with you! You have claws and teeth, so use them to remove that cover.
Teddy obviously knows it is not a good idea to upset you.

Katie Isabella said...

You poor boy. MY bed is big enough for us both.

Eastside Cats said...

Guess a new bridge is better than an old, nasty one...right? And Teddy is a fine-looking feline; I'm sure your momma will win him over someday. And Spitty, why not just lay on top of the pillow covers? Getting all your furrs on there is just as good...

Stacy Hurt said...

I am sad. I conquered my fear of driving on bridges over watt on that bridge attending Hayward. *sniff*

Stacy Hurt said...

I am sad. I conquered my fear of driving on bridges over watt on that bridge attending Hayward. *sniff*

Unknown said...

Spitty my love, shall mes comes and soothes the savage beast within with a through ear cleaning?

CATachresis said...

Spitty, those pillows are just asking for it!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You need a bridge to the pillows Spitty!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

teddy....ewe iz ultra handsum ....ewe bee lookin just like gram paw dude onlee like 15 pounds liter !!! ♥♥♥

meowmeowmans said...

That's sort of sad about the Bay Bridge. And even sadder about those pillows, Spitty!

pilch92 said...

That is sad about the bridge and that the human cheated on poor Spitty.

Cathy Keisha said...

At least you don’t have Chris Christie to pull funds at the last minute.

Saku said...

Hmmph that human is spoiling all your fun. Get scratching Spitty!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Are you sure those are pillows covered by that comforter? It almost looks like a human shape. Mebbe its a spy...