Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Stepping Up

Today we have a THEME--the Human tried hard to find a good alliterative phrase for our title, but she's lost a step [Oh, ha ha ha, Spitty. ~Ed.] or two since she retired and she could not manage it. But I digress.
Our theme is climbing. I may be a senior kitty, but I can still get to the tippy top of my kitty tree.

These nearby spiffy steps have been there for ages, but the cool tiling only happened about 10 years ago. It takes a lot of climbing to get to the tippy top, though.
(You can click to biggify.)

Oh,and since what goes up must come down, here are a few  remnants of a big tree across from us that partly split and fell, completely blocking our little street during the big storm last week. We woke up to the sounds of firefighters and their floodlights and chain saws at 3:30 a.m. in the pouring rain. However much the city pays them, it isn't enough.


Megan said...

It's a worry that the Human's mind has already begun to deteriorate and it's less than a year since she retired to look after you full time. Methinks that you're going to have to do some concentrated brain training with her Spitty - yeah, I know: just add it to the already long list of all the other training that she needs. A glorious pic of you (again) today. Keep 'em coming.

And I agree about people whose jobs require them to work in the rain at 3.30am in the morning. Aren't you glad you're a cat?

Sydney, Australia

Lone Star Cats said...

Da momma luvs da tiling on those steps.

I bet I'd like to climb em too.

Summer at said...

Binga gets up where ever she wants, I will tell you that!

The Florida Furkids said...

Those steps are amazing!!!

We love to climb!!

The Florida Furkids

Photo Cache said...

In this household, Emma is the climber!

Emma and Buster

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those steps really are pretty but your tree is really nice Spitty!

Eastside Cats said...

We agree that firefighters don't get paid enough!
I would love to visit those stairs, and scale them just to prove that I can!

Pam and Teddy said...

WOWZERS on those fancy tiled steps - they are gorgeous. We think like you do about firemen and all those responding to emergencies PERIOD - they can't be paid enough.....they save lives and get things back on track for all of the rest of us. Heroes.

Happy tree climbing Spitty!
Hugs, Teddy

The Island Cats said...

We’d rather just look at those steps instead of climb them.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The steps look lovely but there is a lot of them. I will just admire them from afar.

pilch92 said...

I am glad you can still climb to the top of your throne. XO

Ivan from WMD said...

Snazzy stairs, Spitty! (Three Ss.) You know what our mom thought when she saw that tree part? Let's just say she watches too much crime TV.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those who serve the public from dedication DO NOT get the respect they deserve...

Kitties Blue said...

We have a good alliterative title today (Saturday). Mom loves doing those as she absolutely stinks at titles normally. That's a lot of tree that came down in the storm. Didn't know it was the job of firefighters to clean it up...not around here. Kisses from MM. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

Kitties Blue said...

p.s....forgot to say how gorgeous those steps are. Where are they?