Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday Selfie: Baffing . . . Baffing . . . ZZZZZ

This footie is clean, and this footie is clean, 
and the sun feels warm and, and, and...


Megan said...

You look like you're having a lovely snoozy time there in the sun, Spitty.

Sydney, Australia

Just Ducky said...

At least you had sun puddles to nap in. I didn't today.

M Dawson said...

Are you SURE it's not Kitty Yoga?

You look comfortable, cosy and clean!

Summer at said...

SO cozy!

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Awww, you sure do have the perfect spot, Spitty, and why not, you deserve to be king of the castle.
That sunpuddle looks extra comfy and warm, and quite well suited to your bed–do you have to pay extra for one like that?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Now you have ensured you have nice clean toesies you can enjoy your nap in the sun.

Pam and Teddy said...

Nice foot cleaning instructional video. Clean feets mean a clean mind (or maybe not??!!).

Hugs, Teddy

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are such a clean guy Spitty!

World of Animals, Inc said...

Spitty, you are all cleaned up and enjoying a great sun puddle there. That's how a kitty Sunday is supposed to be spent. Thanks for sharing the lovely video. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals

pilch92 said...

Emmy and I loved the video. XO

Ivan from WMD said...

That was kind of a quick bath, Spitty. Napping more important?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Spitty you kill me! MOL!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

When the first footie is clean, and the second footie is clean, and the sun is shining on you, what else is there ta do BUT nap?

Cathy Keisha said...

BE STILL MY HEART!! And then he reaches out to me. Sigh!
What do you mean your human doesn't like music. You're quoting lyrics like every other day.