Monday, August 29, 2011

Mancat Monday Madness

Oooouucchh! This thing keeps whackin' me in the noggin!
There! Gotcha! We'll see who's Boss!
Come back here right now! Stay! Straw thing, meet my Mighty Claws of Doom!


Fuzzy Tales said...

You go, Spitty! Never let a mere toy get the better of you!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Bite its head off Spitty!

Anonymous said...

Way to go!
You Rock Spitty!

Whisppy said...

Maul the Straw Thing, Spitty! Maul it!!

Tucker The Crestie said...

Uh oh - the Mighty Claws of Doom?!!!! That sounds scary!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Will they never learn?!?!?!

Angel Simba said...

That toy does look irresistibly strawy. Keel it!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Put the bitey on it Spitty...again and again!!!

Summer at said...

I bet you killed it good, Spitty!

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's showing it!

KarenMcG said...

Spitty, you're certainly the master of all you command. And boy did you show that straw thing!

Thanks for stopping by Kittens 'n Things. You know about the '89 quake thing? Wow!

Mr Puddy said...

The Straw Must Die !!!!!

Photo Cache said...

Shot who's the boss Spitty.

Emma and Buster

Willow said...

Whenever a toy dangles it seems to have too much cheek you are doing a good job of taming it.

wildcatwoods said...

Be careful - we got whapped pretty good with one of those!

Cats of Wildcat Woods


Ah Spitty you'll show that thing who is the boss now!

Anonymous said...

Claw up the straw, sink your canines into the feathers, chew them up and cough them up on the straw remains!! You da boss!
Luna Kitty

Athena said...

Get it! Get it!

Ivan from WMD said...

Are you sure it's the toy that's torturing you...or could it be the Human?

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I wish I could be whacked in the noggin with a toy. Our wand and string toys used to grab Mommy's hand and fling it around all the time, but not so much lately. Your mom is clearly much more fun than our mom.

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

Mighty Claws of Doom seem to have their hooks in that bonking thing. Kill, I say, kill.

Laura and Taffy

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Whackin-stuff deserves the TOOTHIEST of deaths!

Marg said...

Good job Spitty. Get that darn thing and make it deaded. We hate it when something smacks us in the head. So use those claws of doom. Have yourself a fun day Spitty.

Teddy Westlife said...

Nice work Spitty. You can't have those things running amok and just whacking you in the head whenever.

Cathy Keisha said...

Get that sucker! You have some interesting toys. I'm on my way over to play.