Last week, the Human and her friend visited the "new" California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. (Why, you might ask, is "new" in quotation marks? I will tell you! It is because, despite the fact that we live only a half-mile away, this was the first time she had visited since it reopened in freaking 2008!)
This little guy welcomes all and sundry at the front door. I'd like to have his choppers, yes I would! |
These shy delicious birdies hang out in the Rain Forest, a huge enclosed exhibit reaching from floor to ceiling. You get to the top by walking slowly on a ramp that spirals upward. There are wonderful sights along the way. The problem? It's about 100 freaking degrees in there with 100% humidity. By the time she reached the elevator down and endured an inspection of her person for stray butterflies, her hair was sopping and her clothing limp and unlovely. |
See the delicious gecko? He's pretty hard to spot! (Say, George? Is that you? Maui, Grayce and the rest are missing you!) |
The Human pondered a refreshing dive from the top of the rainforest exhibit. |
The aquarium has levels and tubes and weird bends! You can look right through to the other side at many places. See the boy at the top? Me, I'm too distracted by the delicious fish. |
The Human had a nice conversation with this delicious fellow. |
What's this you ask? The contents of a shark's tummy, the sign helpfully explains. (Uh, who tosses Barbie in the ocean? Some sadistic little girl on a cruise?) |
Did we mention the tanks are large? And full of delicious fish, of course. |
He was ready to go clean some of the tanks. Though they are not in the picture, various scrubbing implements were floating on the surface--a sort of watery tool bench. |
This Foucault's Pendulum shows the rotation of the earth. The pendulum swings in a straight line while the earth rotates beneath. It knocks over a peg every 30 minutes in a 39-hour cycle. The amazing thing is that the Humans stood there mesmerized like Zombies waiting minutes on end for that tiny-but-satisfying little "clink" when the peg fell. See, they seemed to say, the earth really does rotate! As though they had just now made the discovery themselves. Sigh. |
The building has a living roof. It does all sorts of exciting environmental things like recycle 98% of rainwater that falls on it, but I think it looks like the set of the Teletubbies. |
AAhhhh! That first picture scared the hairball out of me. *;*
-Luna Kitty
Wow, what a fantastic place to visit! Fishies for us (poor shark--seriously), fun stuff for's a win-win. That living room is fabulous.
Thanks for the tour!
That looks like a cool place to visit. Although Mommy would prefer to visit the rainforest in winter as here she can have sopping hair and limp clothing by just walking to the mailbox. She is dreaming of visiting Antarctica or a equally freezing spot.
Spitty, that was such a great tour. Next time my humans get to SF, they will definitely try to visit (they travel to SF "frequently", maybe every 10 -15 years? Not counting being at the airport going to Alaska).
What an interesting tour. I think George finally found a safe place to hide from The Baby.
Man, woud mommy ever love to see those!!! I had to laff at Whisppy's comment.
That is such a cool place Spitty, and yes, those choppers is that first pic would be handy dandy!
WOW, what a fun place! We'd like to see it ourselves! Maybe one day!
our pawrents wanted to go there for a long time but they are waiting to go on free day. do your humans know when the next free museum day is?
Emma and Buster
OMC! Yer mum & That Woman would make a pair! That Woman has stood zombielike up at the Griffith Observatory where they have similar clockie things. They are so WEIRD! We think she at least owed you a sampler platter from the gift shop!
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
What an interesting place. If I had more time while in SF, I'd visit it.
Mom Paula
I wonder if they would let cats visit as the place in England that had a frequent cat visitor in the penguin exhibit. You should see to this as there are variety of kitty treats there.
What a we mean interesting place!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
I looked at the first photo and thought to myself, "Garden?! Heh, I think that thing is just about done growing!" It's nice to know they ARE growing such yummy looking creatures - too bad they don't allow cats to dine, I mean visit!
The people still haven't been there even though they've gone to the museum across the street. Maybe I can talk them into taking me so I can see that dood without any skin. He looks pretty tough...
Wow, what a cool place! And so many delicious looking things to eat!
Uh huh! And my peeps have never been to the Statue of Liberty, Umpire State Building (except the shops in the lobby), Liberty Science Center, etc. I like those nommy birds.
Thanks fur sharing this! It looks like alot of fun (except fur that skeery first photo). We nefur knew this place existed! Beautiful! xoxo
Humans are so easily amused, aren't they? Did she at least have a souvenir bird or fish or gecko for you?
(I thought for a moment that was the Lipton Green Tea fish but I guess not. But if you could have a talking fish, that would be pretty cool. You probably wouldn't want to eat him.)
Well, that was pretty interesting, Spitty! Thanks for sharing!!
Well, I don't like fish, so I guess it's birdies or gecko for me. Mom really likes that pendulum thingy- she says because it actually shows the movement of the earth. The one in Chicago at the Museum of Science and Industry was a regular stop. I've never been there either!
Taffy & that woman
Spitfire, you always has such interesting Not-A-Garden-Tours! Yikes at the contents of the shark's stomach...that may be my last trip to Bora Bora...
It looks like a good place to visit and perhaps the human could take you next time!
Spitty, we are SRSLY worried that our Zombie George is gonna morph into a GIANT LIZARD THINGY! Mommy has him in her desk--we know, cuz we can smell him in there...
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