Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tum-Tum Tuesday

If it comes even a centimeter* closer, I'll kill it. But really, I'm already stretched as far as is comfortable, and reaching for it would take extra effort, so I'll wait and see.

* Spitty believes in the metric system. His Human however, is a devotee of the inch. Y'all?


Tucker The Crestie said...

Good idea, Spitty! Don't overexert yourself!

Whisppy said...

Whoa. The feather is really pushing it's luck. Don't you bat an eyelid, Spitty!

Fuzzy Tales said...

We live in Canada, we're metric here. So we're with you, Spitty!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree Spitty, just wait it out!

Angel Simba said...

If you stare hard enough at it, it will be vaporized anyway.

I think the metric system if more efficient in these sorts of situations. I mean you can say 1 mm very fast: what is the smallest well known measure in the English system: "one one sixteenth of an inch"? Do you get me now?

Cathy Keisha said...

Better tell your human to keep her opinions out of your blog. You look like you're really skinny, as well as being l-o-n-g.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Use your laser eyes, Spitty! We use inches here. (US) But, mom is more like, "bout yay long" (cod luv her) xoxo

Katnip Lounge said...

Spitty, we say slay it with a Look. Less effort, and no measurement involved!

pee ess: Our Mommy is a Scientist and a devotee of the metric system. And a dork.

Mr Puddy said...

MOL.. I don't take extra effort too, Sir Spitty : )
Human must learn to play, She have to make her effort ! Not us..heh..heh

The Florida Furkids said...

Make it come to you!!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie


Spitty the best thing to do is wait...we cats know it will always come to us.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, metric is far more fun. I mean, centimeter, sounds like centipede (which are really yummy!) and inch? What does that sound like? Pinch?
-Luna Kitty

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

sometimes just the THREAT of killing it, is enough for the object to THINK that you are going to kill it!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I'm a proponent of the catimeter, where are things are measured in relationship to us kitties!

Raymond and Busby said...

inches of course.

Spitmeister, you look very focused.

Willow said...

Spitty I see you are trying to move the wand with your mind sometimes this makes it come closer.
My Mom likes metric cause it means that she weighs much less than she would in pounds and that is why I like it as well then I could tell the V-E-T that I weigh less than 13.

The Island Cats said...

Oh c'mon, Spitty...kill it!! It's asking for it!!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Agreed, Spitty. Wait for it. And thanks for getting Mom to get back on our blog and do some visiting.

Marg said...

You can do it Spitty, we know you can. What a good stretch so you can go one more inch and get that fevver. Great picture. Take care. Thanks for helping Chica.

Cathy Keisha said...

Spitty, I sent you a pee-mail telling you that you won and axing for your addy. You're gonna love it. I race through the house when that disc takes off and try to catch it. Lemme know if you didn't get my pee-mail.