Two weekends ago, taking advantage of the bright, sunny, cool weather, the Human and her friend took a stroll along the Embarcadero from the Ferry Building to the Giants' ballpark.
Here are a few highlights. . . not that the Human grew any of these things herself, mind you!
This is the Ferry Building. It has a clock. Whoo-hoo, eh?
The Human and her friend met Daisy the Pot-Bellied Pig, a super-sweet little girl who let herself be petted and snorgled a little. Good deal *I* was not there. I would've wanted a taste.
(Can you tell sea gulls hang out on this pier??)
This is the Raygun Rocketship built by Black Rock Arts, those insane people who bring you Burning Man, which is something the Human might have enjoyed about 40 years ago.
This is Cupid's Span, which the Human likes very much, an opinion not universally shared.
This piece is called Sea Change, a 40+-foot sculpture that's also a working weather station, which sounds good although the Human really has zero idea what the heck it does.
And this is where the Giants won the freaking World Series in 2010. The Human does not expect a repeat any time soon, alas.
Now that our tour's over, who'd like to come on over & help me look for that tasty sweet little piggy? Just to make friends, of course.