Friday, August 17, 2012

Tunnel + Brushies

= Nirvana

Up Periscope! Is there a brushie in sight?
Ah, first contact!
Okay, all done now. Thanks, Human.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

That's a pretty sweet set-up you've got goin there, Spitty. We are impressed with your human's training! MOL!

Summer at said...

MOL, that is just like me! Brush me, brush me, bye.

Catio Tales said...

You LIKE brushie ? Hmmm, must be an American King thing.

Stacy Hurt said...

You look pawsitively domesticated!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures haha :) enjoy your weekend!

Mollie said...

I luv's brushes toz...what's day yor in ????
Have a great weekend..wez got the hot's today in the UK... lot's of sun puddle bafing, gonna be going on :) xx00xx

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Hey. Tunnel brushies look so much fun. We'll have to train our Mommy!

CATachresis said...

Some nip wouldn't go amiss either! Happy Saturday me old china!!! >^,,^<

Katie Isabella said...

Ah...brushies in my tunnel..never thought of that until now.

I had LOTS of brushies yesterday. Maybe three different times.

My girlish figger is a little different in that my sides bow out gently. Not much, just half a pound's worth but they look very snuggable and kissable to mom.

Pandafur said...

Dear spitty I iz happy that you got good brushies, I hates brushies. I haz no opinyun on Benny. He iz a dawg an I will ignore he. Also Herz switched hiz noms an I duz't care for they noo ones. Life iz vurry diffikult sumtimes, but at leest you iz happy. Purrhaps I will come visit this tunnel if you pawmiss no brushies fur guests.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh Spitty, you have a pop up brush spa, how nice!

Mariodacat said...

Awww you are so cute in your tunnel,. Don't you just love tunnels?

meowmeowmans said...

Brushies IN the tunnel? Wow, Spitty, that is divine!

Unknown said...

Dearest Spitty,
Brushies in the tunnel! What a heavenly idea!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

and a fun time was had by all

Pretinha said...

Spitty gostei da ideia, eu já tenho a escova e a humana devotada a mim, só falta o túnel.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh wow! You're off of your tower! :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You sure like brushes more than WE do!

Shaggy and Scout said...


Katnip Lounge said...

You didn't fire any torpedoes, didja?

The Island Cats said...

Haha! make a great periscope!!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Brushies in the tunnel? Is that so you can direct which areas are to be brushed and which are not? You are full of great ideas Spitty dear!
Star says you look spiffy enough to lick..
Spiffy Spitty! hee hee

Cathy Keisha said...

Is that all there is?

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

It is very nice of your human to give you the brushies while you're inside your tunnel, so you can look your handsomest when teleporting around the CB.

Anonymous said...

Oh Spitty!1 I luv my brushies just as much...makes me all melt like...sigh...paw pats Savannah

A Tonk's Tail said...

Maxwell: DUDE! You gotz a tunnel?!?