Tuesday, January 24, 2012

O Hai Kitties

I was just looking out my window here. There's a lot of water on the sidewalk. I wonder where it came from. Oh, the sky you say? Really? And how does that happen? Oh, the clouds fill up with little droplets and then they fall to earth? Like what they used to call RAIN in years past? Oh, I remember that I think--I think I might have seen some last February or March, but surely not since. 
I'm glad the sun is sort of back today because that other stuff is wet and bone-chillingly cold. I think I need to go into my little tent and have a good sleep now. I don't want to think about it anymore.


Cory said...

Spitty, around my house we hardly recognize Mr. Sun. All we seems to see is the wet stuff. If the sun doesn't come out soon I may have moss growing on my paws....if I actually set a paw outside...which I never do.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, those pretty curtains--the mom remembers them from other photos. :-)

We hope you get some sun...and send some to us too. We're tired of grey, dirty ice and snow and grey, depressing skies.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy napping Spitty, you've earned it!

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

But rainy days are the very best for sleeping.

Ivan from WMD said...

We're having that same kind of water plus frozen water this morning--what a mess. I don't think my mom will be venturing out for a paper...more time for me!

GreatGranny said...

Sweet Spitty, enjoy the sky water. We got a lot lately makes fur good napping.
xoxo Kassey

Deb said...

There is lots of squirrel watching going on here, too.

Cathy Keisha said...

Who's that shadowy figure behind the curtains?? It's Super Spitty! At least you don't get snow. Caturday we had about 3 inches. I love watching the snow flakes fall. It's better than bird-tv almost. The peeps don't like it tho.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We're with you there Spitty. Too much thinking makes the brain hurt.

Katnip Lounge said...

Spitty, we had some of that yesterday and we were Most Displeased. Especially since it made Mommy a snotty crabbypants and our dinner was late.
Grayce want to be the Official Inquisitoress, now. Seeing how she's already got a Comfy Chair...

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Yucky weather everywhere it seems! We had the kind of water from the sky that came with LOUD BOOMS yesterday, and trust me, it was not fun either!
Star has completely forgiven you for mistaking THAT animal for her and would like to say that even weak watery sunlight shines beautifully on your silky furs. She thinks it fits your kingly radiance quite well!

Whisppy said...

We've been having super HOT mornings and then heavy rains in the evenings. Imagine the humidity! Urgh.

PS/ Mommy's quite disappointed that those customs people took away the silvervine leaves that we made her send to surprise you. Guess WE were all surprised by the turn of events. Duh.

Stacy Hurt said...

beg pardon...human was not well. rain brings migraines. whatever. *I* just wanted to say that I'm still reeling from seeing 'King Spitty'. Pawsome indeed!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

I am happy for sun today. Mom opened the door for me to go out, but the ground was still too cold on my little pink pads. I think some more sleep is in order, too.

Tucker The Crestie said...

Yay for sun!

Unknown said...

Spitty my sweet!
Me loves yous looking over your shoulder in that sultry manner!
The sun is so much better than what we has here and you has there right now!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

We had rain Sunday and it was still wet and gray yesterday - no fun for a kitty!

Ramblingon said...

Spitty....remember..?? xox

Angel Simba said...

Hai, Spitty. You had actual RAIN?


We haven't had any of that wet stuff in a long time and we're in Florida. We hope you get some sunbeams soon!


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Your sunpuddle looks so inviting! We is supposed to get 3 inches of rain tomorrow. Might as well sleep throught it. See you later, alligator.

The Island Cats said...

Spitty, we hear you needed some rain...so we're glad you got some. But it's a good thing it stopped now and and you're getting some sun. Enjoy your nap.

Marg said...

MOL. Spitty, you are very very funny.We have had way too much rain here too.Hope the sun stays out for you for a long time. Better get going now to your tent. It is way too hard to do all that thinking. Have a great Wed.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

That first photo...very mysterious. The 2nd one...be glad you don't live at our house cuz Teri would be giving you a bath to fluff your furs, hahameow