Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thank Bast They're Gone!

Kitties! You would not believe the ordeal I faced on the very last night of 2011: Strange Humans, right here, in MY very own house, with their booming, grating voices, their braying laughter, their ignorance of expected kitty-courtesies, their raucous singing of what I guess was "Auld Lang Syne," and, worst of all, the smell of them! It will take me weeks, WEEKS, I tell you, to patiently fur over every single trace of them. But I will succeed, Kitties, I will prevail. After all, they are gone and I am still here.

And a further outrage: Before these "Guests" descended upon me, all my stuff--my tent! my brown cuppy bed! my new soft pink beddy! my cube! my ESS! ::sob::--was deemed too unseemly for their delicate guest-eyes, and so was banished to the cold, dark back porch! Can you even imagine the deprivation?

But it is the Dawn of a New Day, my Furiends; 2012 is upon us. No longer will I take such invasions lying down! I have long claws, I have sharp teeth. My strength is as the strength of ....  Oh, never mind.

I need a good nap.

Happy New Year, Kitties and Humans!


Fuzzy Tales said...

That's sounds awful to us, having all your stuff moved to the porch. Aacckk! What kind of new year's was that?

Here's hoping your human treats you better in 2012!

Angel Simba said...

OMC, Spitty. Around here the humans will banish the cat paraphernalia to the basement rec room, but not to the BACK PROCH! The indignity of it all!

It will be a busy time for you to get all those smells furred over. But we know you are up to the task.

Happy New Year, furry friend.

Tamago said...

I'm sorry for your ordeal, Spitty. Your homan must ask your approval before she brought guests and relocated your stuff! I hope you are having nice, quiet new year today.

Cathy Keisha said...

That is an OUTRAGE! I feel your pain and will seek revenge for you! I hope you called PeTA about this banishing of your comforts. YOU are a member of the household and THEY are the introoders. I'll have to pee-mail you the rules of the house to show your human. MY peeps have been talking about hosting a wing-ding this year but they'll proudly show off the cat and her belongings. Of course, they may have problems showing off the cat since I'll be UTB.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy New Year and I hope 2012 brings you all the furry best Spitty!

Marg said...

Oh no Spitty. That was so rude of the hoomans to do that to you. We need to help you think of some kind of revenge. We will put on our thinking caps. We do hope that you have a super Happy New year.

Admiral Hestorb said... come RIGHT HERE and I will see to it that you suffer no indignities except me loving on you. xoxoxox

Katnip Lounge said...

The INSANITY! Spitty, your Human has finally gone Off her Rocker. As IF your stuff was bad! Well, we say they should have been put in Pride of Place and Admired by all, nay--WORSHIPPED!
How about we all pop over and shed furiously in solidarity? Would that help?

Unknown said...

Oh Spitty, what an outrage not only to subject you to all their loud blah blah blahs, but to put away all your stuff too? 2012 sounds like the year of Furry Vengeance to me!
P.s. Happy New Year to you too! We've been extremely lazy over here for the past week or so, but will be back tomorrow with a post!

Max said...

Ugh. Intruder People Smell. Yuck.

On the plus side, since your stuff did get shoved outside, there's less Intruder People Stink on it all!


The Island Cats said...

Oh Spitty! We're so sorry you had to endure that! We hope your stuff is all back inside now, safe and sound.

Try to have a Happy New Year!

Cory said...

What the?????

Your stuff, your home...such a serious injustice. I mean if human friends are truly friends, they understand that cat stuff is beautiful and necessary to a happy life. I mean, all humans should be suspicious of places that are free of cat trees, toys and the scent of cat nip.

The Florida Furkids said...

OMC that is an outrage!!! We think those introoders should have spent the time on the back porch!!!

Happy New Year! We hope 2012 is a wonderful one for you with no more ordeals like that!

The Florida Furkids

Summer at said...

That sounds like the party my human attended last night - but the good thing was IT WAS NOT HERE! I had some peace and NO New Year's kisses - at least not until my human got home. Bummer about all the smells at your house - but I know you will replace them all with your fur and your scent in short order!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Yeah, what's up with the humans?? All our toys were put away as well! Where do they get the nerve?

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Well, you make me feel extra happy that my night was quiet. Happy New Year, Spitty!

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

I am outraged. Don't they know anything about Feng Shui - or in your case Fang Shui? It probably took you months to arrange your stuff just so. Hire in a very expensive consultant to get it rearranged, and of course charge it to their credit card.

Raymond and Busby said...

Oh the humanity!

PS-we like calico girls in theory. But in general we think all girls have cooties. Happy New Year!

Clooney said...

Oh Spits, that is simply awful...but your intention for 2012, now theese one is a good one! We wish you and your Human a 2012 filled with many blessings...and Gerbers for you Spitty. Happy New Year! By the way, your blog header is awesome!

Just Ducky said...

Happy New Year.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

SPITTY!!! That is BEYOND unacceptable!!!!!

Why didn't THEY go on the "cold and dark back porch!!??"


I say the "back of disrespect" should be pulled out, they earned it!

Teddy Westlife said...

Happy new year Spitty, and to your mum as well. Maybe next year you need to come to my house; we never have parties like that.

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Dear Spitty: Wishing you a wonderful new year. May 2012 bring only good things for you.... and no new guests! xo

Unknown said...

My Dearest Sweet Spitty,
How awful for yous! A houseful of peoples and your stuff banished! Our house was quiet. Mommy and Daddy went to bed early amd we all waked up when the peoples across the border started shooting their guns at midnight! Then wes all waked up and the coyotes stopped partying.
As soon as the sun camed up wes all gots in the little box that moves and we drived and drived and drived and gots to the little house. Kozmo is hiding UTB and Cinnamon is barking at all the peoples.
Me i9s happy, the little house in the city is very warm and my humna brother Alex and my friend Gayle will comes and visit!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

The indignity of it all! We thinks your MOmmy should expect demerits at the next staff meeting OR a big pile of yak. You decide. Happy New Year anyways. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a fabulous one! And hope 2012 is even better!
Love and purrs,

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh you poor thing! Visitors are always horrible... But think of it this way, at least your things were safe FROM them! They didn't touch your special beds or your ESS! Whew! And I hope you got it all back right away!

KarenMcG said...

Oh Spitty, the travesty of it all!

Thank Cod they're all gone now. And even better that it's only once a year!

"The Boys" and I wish you the bestest evah 2012.

And thank you for your purrs and prayers and for loving us. We love you and your family, too.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh Spitty what a horrendous thing to happen to you! We know you will have everything on track and running smoothly once again in no time.
But, oh! All your things....banished!!

GreatGranny said...

Oh noos, sweet Spitty. This is awful and you couldn't efen stare at them, telling them it's time to leave. This is what I do. I hope you got the hooman smell off the furniture by now. You and your Mom have a Happy and Healthy New Year and furgive Mom fur the travesty.
xoxo Kassey