Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Yellow Washcloth

I love it because it has The Powder sprinkled on it. Mmmmmm. The Human did a much better job of dosing me correctly this time and I didn't get so INSANE as I did before, which actually might've verged on almost unpleasant, MOL! Plus, those pictures are just plain embarrassing.
I really am developing a relationship with my washcloth, though. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Thanks again, Whisppy, for the Gift that Keeps on Giving!


Random Felines said...

nope - nothing wrong with that!!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Ha! You crack us up every day, Spitty.

We'll leave you alone with your wash cloth now....

Raymond and Busby said...

Silver vine powder, eh? Interesting. We hear that marrying a washcloth is not yet legal here in CA...

Cory said...

Spitty, the only problem that I've found with washcloths is that they can and do get washed. If yours has the magic powder on it, you'll have to protect it from the evil washing machine.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think that is purrfect Spitty and a great way to start any day!

Unknown said...

At least its not pink.

Pandafur said...

Shhhh! Duzn't tell enyothercat but Ramses haz a unacheral relayshunshipz wiv eny fuzzy blankie he finds under hims paws! MOL

Ivan from WMD said...

Everybody needs a secret security blanket, no matter what it looks like!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I agree, nothing wrong with that at all.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We have a nip blankie. Diva Kittys mom knitted it for Scout. It gets nip sprinkled on it and whenever we need it, we wander by for a hit.

Cathy Keisha said...

Yellow seems to be your yellow. Hmmm, you say there's powder on it? I'll have to investigate since TW is too, er, YELLOW to let me try it.

Whisppy said...

That's a nice way to enjoy The Powder. We just had a generous sprinkling of The Powder today. Yeahhhh!

Julia Williams said...

I've never heard of that stuff, but if you like it, then I'm sure it is good stuff. Just don't go all crazypants again because I would venture to guess a camera might be employed, and you never know where those photos will end up!!

Admiral Hestorb said...

I am waiting to find another kitty to love and who will love me. Then, I will deploy the secret powder too, Boomie gave it to Admiral.

meowmeowmans said...

Spitty, there's nothing wrong with that at all, buddy! A cat's gotta do what a cat's gotta do, right?

Summer at said...

I need to get me some of that magic powder!

Angel Simba said...

Now that is a good use for a washcloth. But as others have said, keep it from being washed!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

I see nothing wrong with it, even if you take to dragging it around and sucking your thumb! er.. claw?

GRAÇA said...

I'm the Kika and came to know yourself because you are a friend of a friend of mine, I was delighted to meet you and liked to be your friend, will that thou wilt be my friend?
Will know me!!!
I am your wait
A year of 2012 with everything that you want
Turrinhas of

The Florida Furkids said...

That magic powder must be really awsome!!

The Florida Furkids


Ahhh that special magic!!
Go Spitty!!

Katnip Lounge said...

MOL @ Ray and Busby!
Dude, we have to come up with a way to make aftershave (not that we SHAVE, but you know) with The Powder. Can you IMAGINE all the LadyCats we'd snag? The washcloth is a BOOGER compared to that!
Yr Fellow Rake, Rupert

Photo Cache said...

we're knowing more and more about the enigmatic spitty. thanks for sharing.

emma and buster

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

After we saw this, we made Mommie order us some of this.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Spitty, I adores you! Can I share your washcloth with you?

The Island Cats said...

Ahhhh...enjoy your washcloth, Spitty.

Bree said...

well aren't you something, Spitty? such a cutie no matter what you do ;)

Please vote for Mandy and me on Pet Bytes, so that we can win $250! All you have to do is "like" my blog post at the link below! Feel free to join the contest too! I could use some friendly competition ;)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We've got to get sum of that powder! Washcloth luf is purrfekctly natural and nuffin to be ashamed of. Princeton has one too.

Ellen Whyte said...

We think it purrfectly proper!

Meow from Au, Target and Guido.