Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Sweet Purry Stylings of Spitty-the-Kitty*

I promise we are not going to post videos, videos and more videos, but the Human was so excited to capture this sweet side of me (and, yes, all you skeptics, I do too have one!) I couldn't stop her.
So, in honor of Caturday, here you are, Kitties!
Turn up your sound now, nice and LOUD!

*C'mon now, 'fess up! You thought this was sarcastic, didn't you? It's okay; you can tell Spitty the troof. He don't bite. . .much.


Sweet Purrfections said...

We promise we'll never tell about your sweet side. MOL

Truffle and Brulee

Katnip Lounge said...

Spitty, it's OK. You obviously were OUT OF YOUR MIND on silvervine powder.
Which came, btw! Mommy had to open it in the garage; she had crazed felines abseiling her jeans! Rupert, Johnny and Maui were the most affected, Rupe was drooling and glassy-eyed for about 20 minutes and then slept for about 14 hours straight. The card was knocked down and slobbered all over as well, May Ling & Grayce really liked doing that. Pictures forthcoming.
Dazed and Confuzzled, The Kats

Angel Simba said...

That's a good motor you have, Spitty. And humans seem to like that sort of thing - maybe even give better dinners as a result. Go figure.

Whisppy said...

Awwwww. Who would have thought? Sounds like you've been a really nice in sharing the *good* stuff. Good things come to good kitties who share. *wink*

Luxington said...

ooooooh Spitty! those purrs are makin' us melt!

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

I fink, I fink I heard a Spitty Cat, that had to been my imagination.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Spitty. I listened to that video and feasted y eyes too, about 10 times in a row and I will listen some more. I so miss hearing purring and yours is even more louder than my angel's purr though she did purr. Just more softly.

You gave me the best present, Spitty. Loves you.

Mom Carole

Unknown said...

Well Spitty, like any good leader you know that every so often the minions need some kind of reward. Just remember to mix in some surprise claws or teeth at some point... just so no one thinks you've gone soft or nuffin!

Unknown said...

Dear Spitty,
Me is on my way over to crawl in that nice pink bed with yous right away!
Wes can purr together

Cory said...

Awwww Spitty....we'll never tell anyone about you being a softie!

lupie said...

Sweet...sweet Spitty!!!
Glad to see the other side of ya!

Fr. Tom Fish said...


You are a sweetie and we're glad to see your softer side :)

Tom, mom Julie & Mittens

Brian's Home Blog said...

Amazing Spitty! Hey, our friend Rumbles would be quite impressed!

Summer at said...

Yeah, but you can't be nice without adding in some airplane ears!

Raymond and Busby said...

Dude, really? Is this the same semi feral cat who used to live on the mean streets od SF?

The Island Cats said...

Aw, Spitty, we always knew you had it in you.

Cathy Keisha said...

OMC! You're purring! Last night I mauled Pop's bare foot. I really did a number on it.

BTW, I think you missed my Wordless Wednesday blog from last wee cos you didn't comment.

Giving TW once a month might be better than her own blog cos then she'd NEVER update mine. Na Mean?

Re: the bed. We already gave it to A Call 4 Paws. I'm sure the cats in the sanctuary loved it. Dunno why I never used it.

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Spitty!! Mom finally put my pictures up for The Secret Paws!! Thank you so much for the Turkey strips, the ducks & The reindeer!! I love them!
Your TX furiend,

Max said...

Dood, you were obviously super sleepy. We all get a little purr-y when we're that close to zonking out...

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

What's wrong with videos....
I think it's wonderful that you have a softer side! But we will allow you to keep your grumpy reputation anyway!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Aww, Spitty, I know your a sweet boy. Come on over and give me a cuddle. Today is a special day for me!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Ive been back and listened some more. Oh, I am so looking forward to hearing that right up close and personal here soon. xoxoxox

Admiral Hestorb said...

More videos them.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh Spitty that's adorable!!!! Squee!

Ivan from WMD said...

Purr purr purr! Caroline had to watch that TWICE!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

spitty! Man up!! Don't hide your face from the camera!!! C'mon pal!! I expect more from you!

Love, your pal, Cody