Saturday, January 14, 2012

The 'Vine and Me

And, No, I do not believe I have a "problem," Thankyouverymuch.
(P.S. Oh, and turn down your sound unless you think the sound of Anderson's Cooper's voice qualifies as Music to Get High By.)

!!!Go Niners!!!


Fuzzy Tales said...

Problem? Who is suggesting you have a problem? We certainly don't think so! We're just jealous 'cause we've not (yet) had an opportunity to try the stuff.

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

That's funny. Mommie got us some silver vine and we think that it is meh, so so. It affected us about like a mild 'nip. But then again, we don't like temptations, so we are obviously weird.

Daisy said...

I wants to try that stuff now!

Marg said...

We got a silvervine pillow from a wonderful person in Malaysia and we loved it. She is selling them right now to help pay for one of her cats vet bills. Let me know if you want the link.
Spitty, you do not have a problem, that towel has the problem. It must be full of nip or something. Looks like you were having a grand time.

Unknown said...

Oh Spitty!
Has my becoming Allred's Campaign Manager turned yous into *gasp* a silvervine addict?
Really , that looks like pawsome stuff! Mommy is going to see if she can find it when we is in Calgary next week. Today we had fresh frozen nip from the freezer, it was pawsome.

Cory said...

Isn't that the best part of being a kitty? Legal drugs that are amazing!


Pernille said...

Looks funny Spitty:-)
Purrr..from PernilleXXX

Angel Simba said...

You sure do like the stuff!

Cathy Keisha said...

You having an orgasm Spitty? That's what it looks like with all that licking and stuff. HAH! xoxo Send anyone looking to buy over to my bloggy. I got the hookup.

Katnip Lounge said...

Spitty, I love that stuff too. I dribble like a MadCat and rubrubrubrubrub all over and bitebitebite and

what? I am NOT running on and on.
We need to make a Vine run, bro!

Yr Fellow Affcianado, Rupert

Julia Williams said...

Spitty, if YOU love the vine, isn't that really all that matters?

Stacy Hurt said...

Well I don't know what it is but I will certainly send the slave out to find some. Glad she has a mission. It will keep her out from under my feet.

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Mr Puddy said...

I don't know that's stuff,but look pretty good effect for me, Spitty !
By the way, I really like your bed, dude..Look so comfy !!
Have a good one ; )

Summer at said...

Just looks like you are having fun to me!

The Island Cats said...

Guess Anderson Cooper's voice doesn't stop you from having a good time, Spitty! We gotta get some of that vine!!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Spitty, Spitty, sweet, sweet kitty, you're so handsome, and I'm itty-bitty. Just skootch in your bed a little bit and I'm sure there's room for me to fit. We'll chew up some 'nips all up in our jaws, and then we'll lick each others' paws!

Ramblingon said...

I am waiting to see what my new girl is like before I offer her some.

Cathy Keisha said...

WE WON! WE WON What an exciting game. TW sounded, er, orgasmic when they scored that winning TD.

meowmeowmans said...

Spitty, we are going to have to gets some of that stuff, dude!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh, you may have a problem, but I dont think that's a problem! MOL looks like you got some good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Well that just looks like true love there haha! I don't think you have a problem at all ;o)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Nope, I didn't see a thing that looks like a problem, nope, nothing!

GRAÇA said...

I was very glad to be my friends
I hope that rest well this Sunday
And that our friendship is stronger from week to week, are already in my heart
Turrinhas's friend

Whisppy said...

Nothing like a nice Saturvine Day. Bliss. :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Gimme Gimme! We want some too!
And look! There's you washcloth too!