Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kiitos, Part II

Yesterday I shared with you the joy of my new Magic Fishie Toy from my dear furiend Punapippuri. 

However, I must tell you, Kitties, that enclosed in the package was a card with a photo and message to give a prudent kitty pause.  

Evidently, my new Princedom, Kiimamaa, is populated not only by tasty mice and voles and lemmings, but by eagles ::shudder::  The back of the picture said:    Äiti took this photo a couple of years ago. But we will protect you, of course. To which I say:  Seriously? From THAT?  I mean, you didn't protect that, um, thing...whatever it is was!
~Blurred & cropped in Photoshop to protect the squeamish~

Now Kitties, I ask you:  Is this what they call an an "acceptable risk"? Would YOU care to accompany me on a nice visit to the territory of this Giant Airborne Killing Machine? No? Well, I thought not.  Frankly, I don't think Punapippuri, not even accompanied by his 12 veljekset ja sisaret, is anywhere NEAR protection enough from....from.....that

You know what? I think I'll be one-a them "absentee" Princes.


The Florida Furkids said...


The Florida Furkids

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Better a safe King in California than a dead Prince in Kiimamaa? Probably good thinking...

Star says: I'd follow you anywhere, Spitty dear, but if you don't want to go fight those giant birdies, I'm happy under your bed! XOXOXO

Unknown said...

Wes has eagles here too! The thing to do is NOT goes outside when they is around!
Yous can does that!
If yous like, I could come with yous when yous goes there and protect yous from them!

Summer at said...

Smart move - that thing looks like it means business!

Stacy Hurt said...


Catio Tales said...

Oh Spitster - where is your sisu and courage ?!!?! We can assure you that the 'thing' you so thoughtfully blurred out was already well deaded and the eagle had been visiting it for a few days, and it was outside a photography hide. Hehehe. However we do have these eagles and need to be careful. I go on eagle watch when they migrate as they can come to our lake. We are all on a full alert then but I can protect us. The catio cage helps of course, but it is mainly me who sends them away. You could have a very large catio around your castle in Kiimamaa.
We are most pleased to see you learning our language and it would be a real shame if you did not come to visit. If you come in winter the bears will be asleep. However the eagles are then quite hungry.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

BEARS??? Uh, we probably won't be visiting you in your new providence, Spitty.

Ellen Whyte said...

Wow those look scary! You are one sensible Prince.

GLOGIRLY said...

Spitty, that eagle monster could have you for lunch.
...I'd stay home in your castle.
; ) Katie

Stacy Hurt said...

KS: I will happily go in your place and get the local riff-raff under paw. Even being down one toe is not a problem. I will also send Mr. Grey as he is exceptional at security (as previously evidenced) and no Eagle would want him given they would have difficulty horkin down dryer lint.

You can then travel in safety and security once I send word. Ahhh Finlandia, I bet there's lots of fresh fish there too!

Bears are sissies, haven't you seen the video of the kitties chasin' them bears off? It's a must see.

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

Eagles and BEARS, too!!! We wouldn't be more than a mouthful for either one. Please arrange tunnel transport only INSIDE of your castle. There *are* eagles across the lake from here, too, but we nefurr go outside to see them.
Thank you for your nice comment on Jet's birthday. He told us that Mr. Teeth and Clarkie were, indeed, at the pawty. They were on their best behavior, but did eat a lot of the cake. Purrs.

Laura & Taffy

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Ugh. As much as I want Katie all to myself, I won't want you to be, uh, you-know...*food*.

Your pal, Boomer

Angel Simba said...

I think you need to put Puna in charge of the construction of your Castle, with catio surround and WHEN it is finished, and WHEN Stella has gone and dealt wit the resident eagles and bears per her offer, THEN you go for a visit.

Marg said...

I think the best plan is just to stay inside if there are dangers like that around. Yikes . We like where we live thank you very much. Have a good and safe day Spitty.

CATachresis said...

Spit! Mate! We can prevail. Together we can beat that nasty rough eagle! Yes we can, yes we can ...... ok, maybe not! Brewski?

Katie Isabella said...

The array of suggestions here is dizzying! I think they are all most excellent and I would start with Ms Stella O'Houligan's offer followed by Queen Penelope's great idea. Myself, I have glinting razor claws and I will fight along side you **harumph--ahem-- fromthesafetyofthecatio**

A brewski with you and Austin would be great after we vanquish the killer. Bacon beer anyone?

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

Spitty -

Those eagles look scary! I think being an absentee Prince is a good idea!


Cathy Keisha said...

Austin has the right idea—Get it drunk and than show it who's boss ≥ or something like that. BTW, I posted a really sexah picture on my bloggy. I think you'll like it.

Mollie said...

We agree wiff Callie..Is that Kosmo's Callie ??????? Um xx000xx

Mariodacat said...

I'm still trying to figure out what the skeery thing is! Yuk!

lupie said...

Soooooooo scary laaaa..... Stay put !

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

How scary is that? Ooohhhh... don't go to your new kingdom, Spitty. It's way too dangerous, I think. Come visit me here in Nova Scotia, instead. We can hang out together and watch the crow show. It's broadcast live here, every afternoon. purrs

Pandafur said...

We haz they huje birdies here too an they noms kitties an doggies if they gets a chans, bee carefuls an sharpen they claws!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...thoze eagles mite think they iz all fancee N stuff coz they iz like on quarters but de bottom line :

they R still


salmon steelin BURDS too..

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

I guess a visit through the interwebs is better, don't you think?

Katnip Lounge said...

::busily working on Anti-Eagle spray::

KarenMcG said...

We think we won't look either. Very interesting photo, though.

GreatGranny said...

I hope I nefer see one of those big birds. I do see crows and they looks bad too. Oh well, 'she' won't let me out anyhow.
xoxo Kassey

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Good idea to be an absentee Prince. Cuz iffen you went there, you might be "absentee" very soon!

Shaggy and Scout said...

That looks fierce! Staying away is just the prudent thing to do.
If you do go there accompanied by your ladycats, beware of any them going topless. The pawparizzi are everywhere.

Max said...

Dood. Why go anywhere else to be a Prince, when you can stay put in a city where you can totally be a queen?


Oh dear Spitty
That ... um....
looks....very challenging!

✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

The Island Cats said...

Y'know, Spitty, we all talk about how we wanna get the birdies...but that's one we don't think we would ever mess with!

Tamago said...

Ohhhh good choice to be absentee!
Thank you for blurring that "thing!" It looks scary enough!!

Oui Oui said...

We don't blame you. We aren't called scaredy cats for nothing!

Anonymous said...

I'z a dog and full of braveries and it no is scary!!

meowmeowmans said...

Yikes! Good thinking, Spitty. That thing looks way fierce!

Anonymous said...

I luvs 'ceptable risks! I eet ceptable risks for breakfast. Wood gladly accompany you, King Spitsalot! I has lots 'xperience wif blue jays in teh backyard. am sure dis eagle not nearly so crabby as them. I got yer back, my Liege. no worries.