Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What Am I Doing?

You ask. Me? Why, I'm just reminiscing about the good old days, when the livin' was easy, and I had my Hoohahs still. Those were the days, my friends, I thought they'd never end.
I was wrong.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Hoohahs, Schmoohahs, you're better off wifout the little trubble makers!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Love you in the sunshine sweet Spitty!

Star says: Darling Spitty.. I am on my way over in just a few minutes... I'm going to show you just exactly how good a time you can have without those ol' dingleberries.. Guilt free fun, safe fun, furry fun!

Catio Tales said...

King Spitty the Sensitive, have you considered therapy ? Wethinks you are taking a very long time getting over the loss of your genetic investment banks. Perhaps you need to welcome and hug the new Spitty, the one who jets off for cuddles and snuggles and dashes through meadows of summer flowers, carrying roses in his teeth for his truly beloved girlcat (SINGULAR) rather than the old Spitty who rampaged and pillaged around, listing half the girlcats of the blogosphere as his one true love. Perhaps, Sir Spittypoo, you have to realise that life is much better without the extra bowling balls and there's so much more snuggling to be done, and also there's No Responsibility or recriminations. perhaps, King of the Pink beddy, you have you realise it is OK to be sensitive. Come on, Prince of Kiimamaa, get yourself a grip on this. Embrace your new life with all paws, and lie back and enjoy the tummy rubs.
I charge 30€ an hour by the way.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Ahhhhh...those brass replacement hoohahs are beginning to drag you down, eh?

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Spitty, you are just going to have to get over it! Okay, so I was spayed at six months and I'm a girl so maybe I don't get it, but still...

GLOGIRLY said...

You mancats sure get hung up about your little bits. ....sorry, probably shouldn't call them little OR bits. (!)

So the brass ones aren't cutting it, huh?
; ) Katie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Spitty, Ive thought about this, and I thinks the hoohas are more symbolic that actal. I mean, we start with the things, and few of us keep them, so it must be that they were never meant to be kept past kittenhood

And THAT means, according to the Socratic Principles and the Angst 3rd Theorem that um... Wait, I remember this, I do. ~ Marley

Forgive Marley, he pulled down a book tryin ta climb up like Ayla, and fell asleep in some page... ~ IZA

Angel Simba said...

Perhaps if you go on and on long enough, your human will regret arranging for your hoohaaectomy and will organize a transplant for you. But be forewarned, the only way that can happen will be another trip to the vet, some more sleepytime there, and some more surgery. Not sure you want that either.

Marg said...

Sounds like you aren't getting any sympathy at all Spitty. But it is still all right to remember the good ole days. We still love you, Hoohahs or not. Take care.

Mollie said...

Get over it Spitty ! I haven't mine either..Start thinking about girlie Kitties.that will cheer you up :)xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Mr Puddy said...

Blar ...Blar ...Blar...Dude ! Let's it all out !
Once you speak, now I guess you feel lots more better ; )
My mom always do that you know ?

Thanks for purring for me, I feel so much better

Katie Isabella said...

Spitty, ypu need not mourn the loss of the hoohahs as you are fully as male as you were. You simply don't have the extra weight clanging around making stealth moves impossible what with all the noise and all. AND the girl kitties aren't wide eyed and apprehensive as they may have been in your good ol' days as you clanged through their area. Now they just topple over onto their sides and wait for your attention as you make your magnificent Pantherish way through.

So look at the positive. xoxoxox

Shaggy and Scout said...

Holy Moly!! Mom had to Google that song! It's on You Tube. It was haunting her.
It tickled her memory from the 70's...very obscure one hit wonder.... Mary Hopkin. Taken from an old Russian folk song.
"Those were the days my friend I thought they'd never end, we'd sing and dance forever and a day......"
She's gonna be singing that at us all day now. Thanks. Not.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It really is difficult when you miss your pals.

Mariodacat said...

Hay pal - there are a few of us in that same boat!!!

Anonymous said...

if i knew what hoohahs was i 'spose i would be bummin' with you too. they musta been most specials. however, you still reign supreme, King Spitty.

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! You look mad and annoyed. Is your pink beddie in the wash?

BTW, Pop used to say Autumn was part billy goat cos she'd eat anything.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

all good things must come to an end my friend

Ivan from WMD said...

Maybe you need hoohah reconstruction? I was going to say something about your weewee but my mom won't let me.

Terri said...

Spitty, we love you dearly. We know you will come to realize you are better than your missing parts.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

spitty...wait til ya get ta be me age...14... then ya get ....sway....
goin on down round de hind quarterz...

sew when ya run......

swing sway swing sway swing sway


butter lover boomer o cat

Unknown said...

Oh dear Spitty. You look so forlorn. Maybe you will get some treats to cheer you up a bit. Try thinking about REALLY good old days. Those are the ones nobody can remember.

Stacy Hurt said...

You had my heart at that first photo. I didn't even read anything else. Lovely, fierce boi!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

CATachresis said...

Hang in there buddy! No good dwelling on the past! There is life after hoohahs! Look at me! Well maybe not … >^,.^< There will be a pawty at my place later. Bring the brewskis and we will have a ball …. ooops! ;)


we thought you were just chillin!

✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

meowmeowmans said...

No worries, Spitty. You are still the king, and the most handsomest mancat around!

The Island Cats said...

Spitty...we lost our hoohahs when we were little kits...and we've never missed them. You'll forget all about them after awhile. Besides, were you really doing anything with those guys??

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Ah! I miss sunbathing... Gotta do it tomorrow again!
Sun looks good on you.

Katie Isabella said...

LOVE the Island Cats comment! Heeeeee.

You come right over here Spitty and you can play wif my toys with me. And then we'll go UTB and talk to Bianca. <3

Oui Oui said...

At least you have them memorialized on your coat of arms!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

It happens to the best of us, my friend. It really, really does. purrs

A Tonk's Tail said...

FaRADaY: MOMMY!!! What are HOOhahs?!?!?!

Allie: *facepaw* I'm sooo mortified....