Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hi, Kitties!  I am still extremely suspicious of this thing, but at the same time, I am strangely drawn to it. The Human put my Land Octopus deep inside and if I want to play with it.....

...I have to figure out some way to extract it from the Belly of the Beast.

Well, I've got my furry little head inside, and so far nothing untoward has happened, although of course...

...that proves nothing, and it could still Eat Me Right Up.

The Human says if I don't get with the Tube program pretty soon, she's going to pack it up and deliver it to Aggie and Wally. Hey--better them get eaten than me, right?


Raymond and Busby said...

So your human is threatening to give your tube to the ungrateful and forgetful cats that you mentioned yesterday? Perhaps your human has become ungrateful and forgetful? It happens as they age, you know.

Us4 Cats said...

yeh. maybe you are just catsterphobic !! tubes can be suspicious cuz we dont know what is at the other end? but, it does look like you are getting used to it. maybe it will be fun. i dont know if we would go in there. could be tube monsters?

The Island Cats said...

Spitty!! Give the tube a chance!! We got one of those and we love it!! Our mom puts lots of our toys in it and we have fun knocking them all out!! You don't want Aggie and Wally having all that fun now, do you???

Katnip Lounge said...

Spitty, even if the tube eats you up, it will spit (hahahaha!) you out on the other end. We promise!

Ivan from WMD said...

Be brave, Spitty! I love my tube. I like to flatten it, too. (That way no one else can get into it.)

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Hey, if you don't want it, we'll take it!

Mr Puddy said...

Heh..heh..heh..Spitty, Must be some treats inside that tube : )

Teddy Westlife said...

I think you are too brave to worry about a silly tube.

Admiral Hestorb said...

You are SO brave Spitty! By the way, from me to you...I have some Gerbers HAMS waiting right here at my new catnip quilt..ahem....

Clarissa said...

Honestly, Spitty! That tube is not going to eat you! Pull up you big cat pants and go right in there and get that land octopus! We know you can do it!

Clarissa & Co.

wildcatwoods said...

We loved our tube so much we destroyed it and Mom can't find another one! Where did you guys get yours?

Cats of Wildcat Woods

KarenMcG said...

Well, Spitty, keep on peeking in.

Eventually, you'll find your way in there. And they put your octopus in there to lure you in? Good grief.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hey Spitty! We DARE ya ta jus RUN RIGHT THRU IT!


When we got a cube we played with it for awhile and then we stopped and don't touch it now. MOM uses it to keep our toys in ... so she knows we would not play with a tube. We think you are wise not to get in it.
