Wednesday, June 8, 2011

(Barely) Wordy Wednesday

Oh! You need to get into the kitchen? Sorry, my bad.
Feel free to step right over me. Careful, now! Don't trip! 
Wouldn't want you to break a hip or something.


Marg said...

I cannot tell you how many times we have done that to our Mom. But there are about nine of us in the house at once so she has a total obstacle course for her to go anywhere in the house. But good job Spitty. Got to keep your Mom on her toes. Thanks for the good wishes for our Mom tomorrow.

Raymond and Busby said...

Nice! Especially the defiant look you are shooting her over your shoulder. Extra style points for that.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Hahahaha! We do that too! Actually, Nicki was hanging around the bottom of the stairs on Sunday, while the mom was moving a large bookcase downstairs. You should have heard the bad words coming from her mouth! Gees, we dunno know why...Nicki was just trying to be helpful, make sure she didn't fall or damage anything. :-P

Angel Simba said...

You are so accommodating, Sir Spitfire.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Heh. I was doing that to mom as she was wandering around in the dark last night!
But no broken hips!!!! Then she'd be too laid up to feed us and that defeats the purpose of having fun laying in the hallway! -Scout

Brian's Home Blog said...

HeeHee, that's pretty darn normal around here too!

The Island Cats said...

Sir Spitfire, when she steps over you, slap her leg! That's what we like to do!! Haha!!

Hey, I tagged you to play the Meow Meow Meme! Play along if you want!!


wildcatwoods said...

We like to run between their feet - makes it more exciting!

Cats of wildcat woods

OKcats said...

Um,yeah, you don't seem to be moving anytime soon. MOL! Oh, and we're still alive - we are going to try to make our mom do our award tonight! She's lazy. She said she's busy, but she's lazy.

Admiral Hestorb said...

I slap at MY mom's leg when she passes now that I am full of vim and vigor again. Um..hams, my place. Roger-over and out.

The Island Cats said...

Hey, Spitty, sorry I tagged you again! I didn't realize you already played. It's hard to remember which cat has done what!!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Doorways are great place, Spitty. I am a Door Warden kitty too.


Tucker The Crestie said...

Spitty, you're lookin' good in that doorway!

And hey, look - Blogger finally fixed whatever was wrong with me being able to comment! Woo-hoo!!!!

Summer at said...

My human is so clumsy she would undoubtedly step on me! She always winds up stepping on Binga's foot when she gets too close to her. So I steer clear.

meowmeowmans said...

If you ask us, that looks like a perfectly good place to lay down, Spitty. :)

Mr Puddy said...

Yeah, Human is always clumsy too ! My human is about to step on my back 2 days ago, Lucky I was quick to run aways otherwise I got full step on my back..Whew !!! That was so close !!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Well, unless she was going to feed YOU, there's really no point of her being in the kitchen anyway. What's she gonna do in there? Admire her candles?
heh heh.

Tamago said...

Spitty, Spitty, why do you kitties do that to us? I've tripped over my kids and almost broke my hip couple times!! It's ok kitties are worth it :-)


You tell her Spitty!

Thank you for your kind thoughts for our Daddy recuperation from surgery.


Athena said...

Exactly right, Spitty! Cats always haf the right of way!

Catsparella said...

Be careful, Spitty! If she breaks a hip, how is she going to get your Gerbers and half-and-half?? I'm just saying.. think this one through!

Teddy Westlife said...

Your human sounds nearly as useless as mine!

The Crew said...

Har har! We do that all the time, 'specially when Mom's on the stairs!!