Friday, June 24, 2011

Freshening Up for the Weekend

First, a ManCat must carefully moisten his paw.
Thorough facial scrubbing keeps a ManCat looking his best!
Careful attention to the nether regions is essential 
to good ManCatly hygiene.
Oh, wait--moth! I'll finish this later. See ya.


Brian's Home Blog said...

Spiffy Spitty you are! Hey, your comment made me laugh! I'm always loved to humans who hold needles and want to poke and prod...maybe they forget what they are doing!

Katnip Lounge said...

Mommy says you are an atypical male who chooses something else over their nether regions.


Marg said...

Oh Spitty, that moth is so much more important than getting all spiffy. Time for that later. The moth isn't going to wait for capture. Hope you got it.

Photo Cache said...

You crack us Spitty. Even Mama find you the best jokester around.

Emma and Buster

Catsparella said...

They don't call you spitty for nothin'!! (I hope you caught the moth!!)

Ivan from WMD said...

Mmmm, moth, you lucky thing!! But guess what? We have a pet now too! Somehow, a cricket got into the house and is living under the washer. (We're not exactly sure how that happened, since we are on the second floor. Did he jump up the stairs without us seeing?) Anyway, he entertained us all night long calling for a mate!

The Florida Furkids said...

A moth always trumps a bath!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Baby here: A buggy will always draw my eye, over all else. I have to get it! But good baths are nice, Spitty, and we femme cats appreciate a glossy-furred mancat.

Angel Simba said...

maybe really it is just an attention span issue. I bet you went back to the bath in the end.

OKcats said...

Mothing (or any kind of bugging) always trumps bathing! Even a clean cat has to hunt! Or is that even a dirty cat has to hunt? Now we're not sure...

Athena said...

I bet you went back to your bath after your hunt, you handsome thing!

Summer at said...

That's right, Spitty - moths trump just about any other activity, grooming included.

The Island Cats said...

Did ya get that moth, Spitty?? We sure hope so!!

Admiral Hestorb said...

suddenly hot in here...whew...

Teddy Westlife said...

Teddy catches a moth every night and brings it inside to play with. Mum and dad are not so amused.

Clooney said...

Excellent pointers for a great Mancat clean-up! (The moth is a great bonus!) Thanks Spittola!