Saturday, June 4, 2011

Caturday Complaint Department

Furriends: Lend me your frootbats!

I, Spitty-the-Kitty, wish to lodge a formal complaint with Mother Nature regarding this ridiculous RAIN. I mean, you know I hate the hots worse even than being picked up (::shudder::) but, really, enough is enough!

Item the Second:  Human, can you please go to the store? I know you've had a long week, but I am down to one (1) can of my favorite tuna flavor and it's making me nervous. Just get in the car and go already! (No, you will not melt in the aforementioned rain.)

Finally, we need to start visiting my friends on a more regular basis. You know I have trouble with the keyboard, and yet where are you when I need a little help? Oh that's right: You're at work, or visiting your friends or doing the laundry or reading or some other damn thing. It's time to get your priorities straight! Kitteh first; then all that other stuff!


Angel Simba said...

Great Motto: Kitty First, then all that other stuff!

I hoe your rain stops verreh soon.

ONE CAN? Shudder.

Ivan from WMD said...

Send the rain our way, Spitty! For the last three days we have been blanketed with smoke from a giant wildfire in Arizona, hundreds of miles away! We can't even see the mountains; we can't open the windows; we can't run the cooler. It reeks! It's bugging our tiny noses! And we're boiling! My mom has never seen this before.

About your food shortage? I say just start ordering stuff on the internets. That will get her attention and maybe she'll finally understand the priorities!

Katnip Lounge said...

Spitty, we have the same problem here. {Except for the fudz; Daddy came home from the Temple of Fudz with SIX cases (CASES! 48 cans EACH!) of stinky goodness for us.} But Mommy? Total slacker. We need to stage a revolt. Right after the mid morning post second breakfast nap.

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh, and it's not raining here.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree with Simba, you put your paw down Spitty!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Spitty, you are so MANLY! WHEW! Half and half and thick bacons you say? com to me....

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Rain? Ick! We've had beautiful dry and strangely non-humid weather here in the DC area. Regarding food, yes, we are down to our last favorite fish can, too. Mom says she can't keep up with what we like and don't like week to week. Isn't it a cat's prerogative to change his or her mind?

Summer at said...

Heh. Your human should not even have to be told this, Spitty!

Admiral Hestorb said... don't have to be alone. All the girl cats in the Blogsphere will invite you over..including me. ehehehe.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Spitty we don't want any more rain here! We are practically drowning from one of the wettest springs on record! Enough already!
We hope your inadequate human shapes up soon! 1 can! 1 can!

Mr Puddy said...

Down to 1 can of Tuna !!!!, That's so wrong !!!!
I think she need to be force by Super Hissing !!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

We are finally having super nice weather so please keep the rain there!!!

Cody said to tell you he agrees that kitties should come first!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ugh, we have rain here too. It's so cold I actually had to CUDDLE with the HUMANS!!

Raymond and Busby said...

All valid complaints, Spitty. We are super sick of the rain too. Plus our Moms have been moving our Grandma into a new assisted living facility all day today. Not here at home snuggling us. Nope. Driving around in the rain with boxes of Grandma's stuff. Not fair.

OKcats said...

We'd love to help you with the rain department! We don't really NEED it, but we'd take it! As far as the useless human, if you find a cure for that, please share with us.

Jacqueline said...

We could use your rain, Spitty=it's been very hot and dry here...We sure hope you get more canned tuna soon, but you know, you are welcome to join us for dinner anytime...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Island Cats said...

Jeez, Spitty! You got so much to complain about! Your human sure is slacking off lately...

Anonymous said...

Dear Spitty,
We finally get some sun and what do the pawrents do? They goes and works the Farm Market, not just Saturday, but Sunday too! And Guess what? It is supposed to rain (more) on Monday! Me is seriously unamused (at least they brought home tuna).

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Spitty, we wanna let ya know that we have trained TBT to a SYSTEM where it comes to food. 1. Pick a pantry shelf and FILL it with our favorite stinky goodnesses (thats 3 flavors and 1 new one ta try). 2. Put 2 cases of good stuff in the MewsRoom. 3. When the pantry shelf is empty, he must put "Cat Food" on his shopping list and buy 6 cases (it arrives at the front door somehow). That way, we never have less than 2 whole cases! 4. Until he does that, he has ta give us some of his OWN meat (unspoiled by spices).

Marg said...

That is telling that Mom Spitty. Down to one can, that is just inexcusable. You are so correct, kitty always comes first ahead of anything that human wishes to do. We are first for sure. Hope your days get better and that Mrs. Sun comes to visit you for sure. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Way to let her have it Spitty. We feel your pain with the rain - seems like it rained the whole month of May here in Ohio. I (Gidget) am also referred to as "the ferral one" around here because I too do not take to being held. Lola on the other hand is such a suck up with the humans and dotes on them. Stay true to your feline ways Spitty and make the humans work for your affection.

Gidget and Lola