Thursday, June 2, 2011

Spitty Sees What You Did There

Watching out the bedroom window. Doesn't my tailio look floofy?
Keeping on top of the sidewalk action.
The Human needed a lot of snoopervision of her pathetic scrapbooking efforts. 
She had to make a couple pages for some people at her work that are retiring. Thank Ceiling Cat she doesn't have to do such things very often. It was 'zawsting just watching her!


Raymond and Busby said...

It's good you are keeping an eye on what goes on outside your windows, Spitolla. Maybe it will distract you from your human's scrapbooking efforts.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Excellent guard and snoopervising skills, Spitty. Hey, our mom says at least YOUR human's creative. LOL. We doubt her efforts are "pathetic!"

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm glad you're keeping your paw on things out on the sidewalk Spitty! That's the best way to make sure all is safe in your neighborhood!

KarenMcG said...

It looks like you're on "Neighborhood Watch", Spitty. Good job, you.

Now about that scrapbooking...I hope you're not getting into the glue. Everything will stick to your paws!

Anonymous said...

Spitty, good thing yous is such a good snoopervisor! Me loves how yous gets in the middle of the action with the scap booking! Its imopawtant to make sure there is cat hairs in the glue!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Make sure no introoders get into the yard!
And yes, your tail is magnificent!

wildcatwoods said...

Looks like you are keeping plenty busy!

Cats of wildcat woods

Marg said...

Spitty, that is one fantastic tail there. Glad you are helping so much with the scrap booking but don't get glued into the book. We don't want you to go any where. Take care.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Good thing us cats are there to snoopervise when our beans try to do stuff they don't do good at all. We tries to show them how to be gooder. By the way, what are you seeing? Do you ever play a game with your human where you look intently at nothing at all just to puzzle them over what is there?

OKcats said...

Nice floof, Spitty-the-Kitty! Your human is very talented. Our mom doesn't scrap book, but she tried to put together some poster board thingies for her dad's memorial service in February, and she about got lost in Hobby Lobby with the billion scrap booking items. Then Zoe dive bombed the poster boards when they were laid out but not glued. She is bad.

Our mom also wants us to tell you that she totally gets your human's comment about losing her filter. It's pretty much known by all who know our mom that you always know where you stand with her. She has to totally avoid people that she doesn't like because she has trouble with that 'keep your mouth shut' tactic.

Athena said...

Ooh, your tailio looks WONDERFUL in that picture! *sighs*

Clooney said...

Well hello there Spitty! My Human has been MIA so I'm finally catching up with my fellow felines...Remember if you witnessed some clandestine sidewalk activity, you could always bribe the participants for Gerbers to keep it quiet...As for scrapbooking, perhaps you should try your paw at it, I find it good for the creative process.

Summer at said...

MOL! I can only imagine how bad it would be if my human ever made any attempts at doing scrapbook pages!

Mr Puddy said...

Hey Spitty, I think you can help her with scrapbook...Let's make paws printed over all of the page..heh..heh..heh

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you are a purrfect snoopervisor Spitty! I know you saw something interesting outside cause your tail was HUGE!

The Florida Furkids said...

We think your tailio is pawsome!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie


Oh Spitty the tailio was irresistible!
Good snoopervision!!!


Ivan from WMD said...

So, is the something you saw worth some hush treats? I'd give that a try next time.

Thank Bast my mom never started scrapbooking. It's been hard enough with the beads, the bead making, the mosaic glass, the tiles, the handbags, the quilts and who knows what else. And now she doesn't have any room for it!

Katnip Lounge said...

Spitty, if Mommy ever wore powder on her face, she'd love to use your Tailio as a puff.

OH! We think her filter has been missing from day one...

Admiral Hestorb said...

I loves your talio and efurry thing else you has too Spitty. xoxoxox

The Island Cats said...

You gots yourself one floofio talio, Spitolla!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

MIGHTY tail!!

Catsparella said...

I hope you added some nice black hairs to the scrapbook pages!! It sticks to glue and tape so perfectly, and really completes the look!