Saturday, June 11, 2011

Graduation Hangover

Oh, Kitties! We are all 'zawsted around here today after the Big Graduation last night. After it was all over, the Human even dragged herself to a big faculty par-tay and she's way too old for that stuff. The younger folk were serving tequila shots (can you imagine? Well, actually I can't, because I don't really even know what tequila is, MOL). The Human barely dragged herself out of the sack to help me post this little bit. She says we'll be back to normal tomorrow [well, *I* will, anyway -Ed.] and then we can resume visiting our furriends and stuff. Have a happy Caturday, everybody!


Angel Simba said...

Yeah, Mom can't party hard any more either (never could!). Who wuz gradurating? Maybe I need to read back a little.

Rest up Sir Spitfire.

Katnip Lounge said...

If she's too old, why does your Human attend such time sucking functions? She should be home, attending to you, Spitty.
And don't think we didn't notice you (the Human) implying that Spitty isn't "normal".
We are watching.

Athena said...

Spitty, wait till she is sleeping, then yowl straight in her ear. It'll be great!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Ouch! Mom should have stuck to the NipTinis fur sure!

Mr Puddy said...

Tequila !!! My dad love that stuff too ! and I think dad have the same taste as we cats because I saw Worms in tequila's bottle !

OKcats said...

Tequila - blech! Our mom says she can't drink anything that smells that bad! Our mom did not have any graduations to attend this year, and she's thankful for that! But around here, graduations take place in mid- to late May, so she'd be done anyway! Take care of your Human, Spitty-the-Kitty!

Summer at said...

I've heard of a different Mexican spirit called Mezcal, which sounds much better than tequila 'cause it's got a worm in it!!! In fact, skip the spirits and just give me worms. That is what your human should have done instead of partying - gone out and picked up some fresh, yummy cat treats (insect or otherwise) for you!

The Florida Furkids said...

Why do the humans forget that they're not kittens anymore??

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie


Uh oh Spitty
Watch over your Mom she may need your help tonight!

*we giggle over Furkidsmom comment*


The Island Cats said...

Haha!! Your human is no party animal, is she, Spitty??

Jacqueline said...

Hope your human feels better soon and hey, who wants to be "normal"??...We like the "different", cool bad boys like you, Spitty :)...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Your human slowing down, like ours? Some days we wonder if she'll ever get up! Hope things are back to normal after a wee rest.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Pary Hardy and next day you are tardy!

Anonymous said...

you look a little hung over too Spitty. Hope you're all recovered today. Happy Sunday

meowmeowmans said...

We think tequila shots are like super niptinis, Spitty. We hope everyone gets some good rest, and feels better real soon. :)

Catsparella said...

(can you imagine? Well, actually I can't, because I don't really even know what tequila is, MOL). LOLOL. Oh, Spitty.

Clooney said...

I don't know Spitty, it kinda looks like you might have had some tequila too in that little pic of ya...