Daylight filtered through light curtains. Resized, but otherwise unretouched. I mean, I'm purrfect--right? |
Daylight filtered through light curtains. Resized, unretouched. I'm stunning! |
Bright daylight. A little eye schmutz removed. Mmmmm. Nice ManCatly whiskers, dontcha think? |
Wow! Look at moi! Such deep thoughts! |
Well, my eyes look a little, um, scary. Not my best side. But close-up & not blurry! |
No kitteh, so boring. Colors are true except plant (should be brighter green). |
Kitties, this concludes our test. We will continue to use this camera throughout the week, but the Human is pretty convinced she's going to purchase it (or one like it). She does have Photoshop Elements but has just started to explore its capabilities. Happy Mancat Monday, everyone!
OH SPITTY!!! Lookit your Ear Furnishings! I am overcome with desire to groom them...
Grayce the Biter
oh Spitty..you are just delectable and so handsomely furred...so studious looking, so brimming with vitality and Gerbers, I'm feeling fainty.
Boomer is a dear furriend. Yes. you meet many kittehs sailing the 7 seas. ya know?
We think the pics are great! The mom has an old Canon PowerShot S3 IS, a newer (last year) Fuji HS10 (love both the PowerShot and the Fuji) and now a new little Canon Elph for carrying in her purse to and from work. All courtesy of our grandpa over the past handful of years. (He's into photography, has his DSLR and various lenses, but the mom didn't want to go that route because she doesn't know enough about the technical aspects of photography to make good use of a DSLR.)
So what this all means--for us and of course for you, Spitty--is that we all have the flashy beast stuck in our faces *all the time*!
New flashy boxes are fun for the humans, no so much for us.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
They all look great to me Spitty!
Oh, Spitty, I am swooning ofur these pictures of you!
Lookin' good, Spitty!
When mama got her new camera she practiced on both of us too nonstop for days. We were too exhausted posing and not posing for her :)
You have such natural handsome qualities Spitty. Any camera can capture that.
Emma and Buster.
I am particularly drawn to the rakish sweep of the ear. You are so debonair Mr. Spits!
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
Now those shots are all wonderful. I especially like the third one down and then on. Your mom is getting pretty good with the camera. Tell her it's a keeper.
I think your Mom would really have fun with a new camera. YOu are looking furrrry handsome, Sir Spitfire
It's not the equipment, it's what you do with it. (oh, and with subject matter like YOU, Spitty, your Mom should be able to take your photo with anything and it will be fabulous.)
Nice! Our mom has been considering a new camera, too. But NOT because of how crappy the photos of us turn out. No. It's because her concert pictures look like poo. Apparently it's more important to get sharp photos of guys with long hair and makeup than 2 naturally beautiful girlcats.
that camera just compliments your natural handsomeness!!
I vote for photo # 5 my friend !
Love that look of you Mr. Hot Spiity ; )
Seems like your mom have a big plan to get you MORE HOT !!!! for ladies : )
Those practice shots show off your whiskers quite well Spitty so I think this type of camera should be used in future pics.
Spitty, we think you look good no matter what.
Well, Spitty, now you've done it. Caroline has just fallen over in a swoon.
P.S. My mom frequently cleans up my shots, whether eye stuff, dust, litter bits, random fur. All for the better, is what I say.
You do look so handsome no matter what camera Mom uses.Those pictures sure are nice. We think you are a very handsome black kitty and we are partial to black kitties here. Hope you have a really fun day.
This is Calle, Halle, and Sukki's Mom=
they are all down for the count, Spitty :)!!!!!
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