Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tub Time

Well, and what have we here?
Is that a spidey I spy up yonder? Mmmm, crunchy!
Uh-oh. You're not gonna get all grabby, are you?
See ya!


Shaggy and Scout said...

There she goes ruining your good time again!
PeeEss: you are by far the nicest accessory in that bathroom!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Jack here. We don't have a tub, but I like to poke around in the shower stall when it's wet. Except I'm not allowed in that room anymore because I pee on a rug in there sometimes. Another good time ruined over here as well.

meowmeowmans said...

The bathtub is SO fun, isn't it, Spitty?

Admiral Hestorb said...

I love getting in the tubby when mom isn't around and then, I make paw prints EFURRYwhere.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wait left without your spider!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Run Spitty!! RUN!!!

Summer at said...

When will humans learn? Look but don't touch!!

Katnip Lounge said...

We hope the Human didn't eat YOUR spider, Spitty!

Mr Puddy said...

Smart Move, Spitty !
But did you get spider in your mouth ?
If not Wait for " Scream " ...heh..heh

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Spitty yoo is not afraid of the water bein turned on yoo? The mom puts Trooder in and scrubs hims up and he always comes out grumbly after. We RUN far from the water when it goes on!!

Tamago said...

Oh a little adventure in a tub! Did you grab the spider? If not...maybe you two will meet somewhere some day again!

By the way I love your shower curtain. It's very pretty.

Anonymous said...

oooooh spidey crunchies is teh bestest, good work dude! sorreh she tried to gets all grabby wif you, but they has this way of being super grateful when we eats teh spideys.


Ahhh Spitty a mancat and his tub and what happens but Mom comes along and ruins it all with the flashy box...


We hope you enjoyed your spidy anyway.


Anonymous said...

I hope you gotted your spider before she gotted all grabby!

Ivan from WMD said...

Sometimes moms wreck everything, don't they. I bet that spider is long gone!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Your spider patrol uniform of fancy fur pants was probably too much cuteness for your human to bear. Humans tend to get a little grabby when the kitty does something cute...which is everything we do.

The Island Cats said...

Too bad your plan to get that spidey was disrupted, Spitty. Maybe you can go back later and get your snack.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We love the tub, too. But ours is a "built-in" an has a curtain coverin it. The GREAT fun is when one of us walks the edge between the inner an outer ones and the others pounce us off. We take turns...

I (Marley) am the best tub edge walker, an Iza is the best walker-pouncer.

Raymond and Busby said...

Yep, when they get grabby it's time to split.