Thursday, January 31, 2019

Different Day, Different Chair

So you're probably thinking the punchline is "Same Nap," but you, my friends, would be mistaken! I have been up and about, eaten a few meals, scratched the Human to remind her about playtimes (Oh, sorry! Not really), used my litter box, gazed out the window at the rain, demanded the radiator and the heaty pad be turned on, enjoyed brushies, and conducted all sorts of important business dealings since my nap yesterday on the other chair. Spitty keeps himself busy. Just so's you know.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Thankful Thursday

The Human said that the shadow of my furs looks like it needs a good mowing
Then why am I thankful, you may ask? Well, I don't think she'd really do it. Right?

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

And the Oscar for
Purrfectly Curled Paws

goes to Moi, of course:

P.S. Conga-rats to Pam & Teddy who correctly identified Bad Hare Day
as the title of yesterday's painting! Ha ha meow =^..^=
P.S.S.  Color me embarrassed! How could I have missed 
the fact that my friends at Memories of Eric and Flynn also
correctly identified Bad Hare Day as the title of this painting??
In fact, they were first to put the right name to it! I blame the Human
and her failing brain cells because it's never the kitty's fault.

Monday, January 28, 2019

                                Monday Menagerie

Now and then, the Human takes useless pictures,* and ordinarily they never see the light of day. However, after the most recent one (from yesterday), she decided she had a enough for an animal-themed post, so there you go. Why these would be of any interest to my loyal readers, I cannot imagine.
(*Pictures that do not feature me.)
These parrots were very quiet while the Human and her friend had 
lunch on Sunday. Perhaps they were not hungry.
A friend showed her a book by this artist.
This painting is called . . . Well, you figure it out.
We'll tell you tomorrow.
These guys were guarding the house she stayed in at Christmas.
They did a really great job!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

                                          Sunday Selfie: My Blue Heaven

Well, Kitties
let me tell you,
 there's nuffing like
 a nice heaty pad
 accompanied by
 an unassuming 
little spring toy 
to make me 
a happy Boycat 
on this fine, sunny 
and moderately 
warm Sunday.

And you know what?
I have three 
more spring toys!
Green, Red
& Orange!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

My Artsy-Fartsy Caturday

I got the fartsy part down just fine. 
She'll need to work on the artsy part, though.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Floofy Friendly Friday Fill-Ins

So here are our Friendly Fill-In responses for this Friday, courtesy of our furiends at 15 & Meowing (who sadly said goodbye to their lovely Tallulah yesterday) and Four Legged Furballs:

1. I get to bite the Human every week day.

2. So far, 2019 is quite the prolific blog year (23 posts in 25 days! Not exactly up to Miss Megan-type standards, but better, much better.)

3. I will never tire of playing with my wand toys, although the Human tires of it sooner than *I* would like.

4. Can you believe that I didn't use to like pets and brushies?

Thursday, January 24, 2019

                 Ah, Life Is Good Here at the Castle

For me, the joy of a purrfect sunpuddle!

For the Human, there was this:
Better out than in, I say. My tummy feels much better!
And furball placement is so much more artful on a rug--
practically part of the design, isn't it?

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday:
I'm Having a Heat Wave, a Tropical Heat Wave

Ah, where have you been all my life, O Heaty Thing?

This evening I went and stood on my new pleasure-pad, staring balefully at the Human until she said, "Oh, okay, Your Majesty. Right away."

And, if you can believe this, she *did* turn it on for me!

Also, you might have thought we was just kidding when we said Christmas is over on Super Bowl Sunday, MOL!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

All I Want Is a Room Somewhere
Far Away From the Cold Night Air...

Okay, so I'm not exactly sleeping in a Covent Garden flower stall, but until today I did not have my very own Loverly warms, courtesy of my friends at Catio Tales in Finland(N), who know a thing or 200 about the Colds.

The Felocracy and their Aiti sended me my very own most excellent Heaty Pad that arrived today!

We will get it set up tonight and I look forward to a warm and snuggly night in my purple beddy, also a gift from those Chilly residents of Finland (N). Without them, I might freeze!

Thanks, Kitties and Human! You rock!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

                          Daily Disappointments #3

Am I blue? Well yes, or maybe salmon. Why she fiddled 
with my sad & disappointed picture, I do not know.
All I *do* know is that she went to PetSmart today, 
the place of bounteous kitty joy, and all I got was some food.
None of this, not one single item:

Is there any defense for her miserly behavior, Kitties? I think not.

Sunday Selfie:
Tent Time Tranquility

Nothing to complain about today. Shocking, isn't it? I am warm
and well-fed, and I finally horked up that furball that's been
bothering me. All's well in Spitty-land. I'm working up some
rage for tomorrow though, so don't worry that I've gone all soft.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Speaking of Marie Kondo . . .

I think Ol' MK might actually arrest 
the Human if she saw this:

But onto other matters. We had intended to begin regularly participating in Friday Fill-ins last fall, and did it exactly once. Phhfffft. But I feel the Human is more securely Under The Paw now, so we are trying again. So here are our Friendly Fill-In responses for this week, courtesy of our furiends at 15 & Meowing and Four Legged Furballs:

1. Silvervine and chick-hen treats go hand-in-hand.
2. A blasting radiator makes my heart happy.
3. Don’t be afraid to bite down as hard as you want to 'cause they won't bleed to death.
4. If showing disdain were a sport, I would win hands down.

Heh, heh, This is fun.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

            This Time Five Years Ago

Yes! I was sleeping. It's my best thing, all right
The real question here is, Where's my pink beddy got to now?
Surely she would not have gone and purged it in some drunken
Marie Kondo rampage. Right?

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

If Kitties Ran the World

Their Humans would provide them 
intoxicating toys 24/7, and stick around
for a companionable chat while the kitty
played. That's not asking so much, right?

Monday, January 14, 2019

                          I Think It Looks Just Like Me

Since I shared Barb's most excellent painting of the Lord Chancellor, I thought it only fitting to revisit her fine portrait, painted some years ago now, of His Majesty. It hangs just above the Human's laptop where we I compose my blog posts. I spend a considerable amount of time admiring myself, as who would not? The Human says my ego has grown even larger than my backside, but what care I for her silly Human criticisms?  

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Playtimes: Expectations v. Reality

So today, I got to play with my valerian-soaked yellow ball.  I would say expectations were met and even exceeded.

The Human is a bit conflicted, however. She bought these innocently enough at a rather chi-chi, upscale pet store about a year ago. She subsequently learned why it is I love them sooooooo much--they are real fur. Ugh, she said. And contemplated taking them away. Not on your life, I said, unsheathing every claw and baring my fangs. You'll notice I got to keep them.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Friday, January 11, 2019

Marv's Human Barb Kowalik . . .

is Da Bomb as the Human's teen-aged students used to say back in the day (but now when the Human says it, she just sounds like an old dork).

But look! Feast your eyes upon my Lord Chancellor, FritzieFritzie's camera-shy dad, and his fine portrait painted by the above-mentioned Barb.

You may notice that His Majesty features rather UNprominently in this masterwork, which was painted from a picture in which Yours Truly appeared on Fritzie's computer screen. 

Is it possible Fritzie was committing an act of treasonOh, surely not! He was simply caressing my little heady. Right?

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Spitty's Forecast, #1

Napping with a chance of sunpuddles.

How's that for a forecast? I suppose it really might not count at all because it wasn't exactly a forecast so much as it was an affirmation.

Perhaps you noticed our failure to post yesterday? *I* wanted to, but the Human said, Oh, no, Spitty, I'm gonna take care of this everyday fantasy I can see developing in your little cat-brain right now before you start pestering and pestering. Even more than you do now.

I don't think that was a very nice sentiment. Old meanie.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Daily Disappointments, #2

I was feeling a little, oh, maybe bedraggled is the word I'm looking for. So I hopped on up onto the Human's desk while she lollygagged in front of the laptop and asked nicely for some brushies and then some playtimes.

But noooooooooooo. She has to read her 27th Politico article of the day, followed by a dozen more from some other site as she shakes her head at the appalling state of American politics.

Now I ask you: What good does that do me, Kitties?

Monday, January 7, 2019

Daily Disappointments #1

No matter how long and loud my complaints, 
eventually the radiator stops radiating.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

A Most Undignified Sunday Selfie

Kitties, I was manhandled. Grabbed and manhandled, I tell you. Surely a case of lèse-majesté if ever there was one.

I mean, I had barely awakened from my mid-day nap! I strolled over, purring a friendly hello, when suddenly she got all grabby and practically strangled me in her excitement to share the news.

The whitester whisker has returned! 

I don't know what the big deal is, as in the meantime the *other* one has fallen out somewhere, so I am still unbalanced.

And hush, you, I heard those titters out there in Readerland.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Wally Wally Wally:
If Kitties Ran the World #1

Every King worthy of the title needs a Lord Chancellor (but sorry, Wally, that position is currently occupied by Fritzie). 

Still, other Court Offices are available. For example, the position of Lord Chamberlain happens to be vacant at the moment, and I am eagerly awaiting Wally's acceptance.

The First Triumvirate of Spitty, Fritzie, and Wally will soon issue some decrees and orders and other important stuff.

Did she honestly think that 
kissie sound would distract me 
from my supper? She's supposed 
to be filming and/or typing, 
not making silly noises at me.  

Friday, January 4, 2019

Stoopy Human Tricks, #1

So last night, the Human and her friend went to dinner and a movie at the Century theaters in the Westfield Mall downtown. The impressively large and festive Christmas tree was still, um, hanging from the top of the dome like some stabby piñata

And who was it, do you suppose, that failed to teach these Humans which end of a fake pine tree is up? Not a kitty, my friends. I guarantee it.

Now I know how a Crispmouse tree should look, but I certainly can't be bothered with that one. Meanwhile, I have a new toy today and it's a fun one. In fact, I need to go finish playing with it right now.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Things That Annoy Me, #1

This Thing:
Yes, her, Jane, that adorable little pupper who's soooooooo cute and cuddly and friendly, and everything Yours Truly is not. The Human comes home from a visit with her, and I have to listen to the cooing and the oohing and the aaahing. Honestly, it sets my remaining teefs on edge. She even has a floofy tailio. Bah, humbug.

You don't think she'd try to bring one to live here, do you?
Say, does anyone have a room to rent?

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Dear Readers: A Plan for 2019

Spitty the Kitty hard at work planning the New Year
So Kitties, as you know, Yours Truly has been blogging off & on for going on NINE long years. As Loyal Commenter Miss Megan from Sydney observed, 2018 was pretty much a disaster for Spitty(Didn't)Speaks(Much).

My post total came in at a dismal 169 (#It'sADisgrace). And yet . . . something is missing;  je nais ce quoi -- call it Inspiration. 

But Miss Megan is not one to criticize without offering a solution! And we have taken her suggestions to heart and added a few of our own.

Now, we are not saying we will post every day--the Human and I are elderly, after all, and haven't that much energy or ambition, but surely we can up our numbers in 2019! 

So, with the able assistance of Miss Megan (okay, with a ton of assistance from Miss Megan) we have come up with some new posting categories (à la Wordless Wednesday or Thankful Thursday, but with our own adaptations).

Some of these include:
  • Playtimes: Expectation vs. Reality
  • Spitty's Forecasts
  • Things I Wish They'd Told Me About Getting Older
  • Daily Disappointments
  • Tricking Stoopy Humans
  • Things That Annoy Me
  • This Time Five Years Ago
  • If Kitties Ran the World
Stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year, Kitties!

Yours Truly had a big night being social with the Human's party guests. 

I even let Fritzie's Dad touch me and brush me. Shocking behavior from this furry former feral.

I think a nice nap in the sun is a most excellent way to begin the New Year. We hope you and your Humans have a wonderful New Year, full of toys and treats and naps and foods and attentive staff.