Thursday, January 31, 2019

Different Day, Different Chair

So you're probably thinking the punchline is "Same Nap," but you, my friends, would be mistaken! I have been up and about, eaten a few meals, scratched the Human to remind her about playtimes (Oh, sorry! Not really), used my litter box, gazed out the window at the rain, demanded the radiator and the heaty pad be turned on, enjoyed brushies, and conducted all sorts of important business dealings since my nap yesterday on the other chair. Spitty keeps himself busy. Just so's you know.


Summer at said...

Oh, I never doubted you, Spitty.

Megan said...

I took it as read, Spitty. You're a king - lots to do. And when you've done all the kinging, then there's always Human training to fill in the spare hours.

Sydney, Australia

Brian's Home Blog said...

That napping properly thing can be a challenge some days but you always get it done Spitty!

Eastside Cats said...

An impawtant cat like you, Spitty, has stuff to DO!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am amazed at how much you can fit into your day, Spitty.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...slo down yur makin de rest oh uz look bad ~~~~~


pilch92 said...

I know you keep a busy schedule :) XO

Terri said...

You not only look like my Jenna, your daily activities sound just about the same as hers!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Sounds like a full day, Spitty! But Iza is pacing around the house hoping you will visit... Please come over, she is driving us crazy, whapping ankles and such... ~ Marley

Katie Isabella said...

You're exhausted from last evening UTB.