Wednesday, June 15, 2011

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

I love my fevver toy. Sometimes, it whispers important secrets to me, but I never reveal them.


OKcats said...

I love my feather toy too! When my lazy mom actually plays with me, I meow!! Then I kill it.

Your friend, Zoe

Shaggy and Scout said...

A fevver toy can be a kitteh's best friend, and worst enemy, depending on the situation.

Katnip Lounge said...

Secrets? Spitty, you've been hitting the nip a little too hard...

Sweet Pea LOVES your pantaloons! She says she's like to compare HER bum frillies with yours, soon.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's right, those things are full of interesting secrets!

Photo Cache said...

Now we are curious as to what types of secrets are passed on during this play time.

Emma and Buster

Stacy Hurt said...

Dude, I thinks you need to lay off the nipz. MOL

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Anonymous said...

We're not allowed to have feather toys like that 'cause we destroy them in about five seconds. We wish we had them though.


I can see how the feather wand would reveal secrets to you. IT'S magical...just like you.


Mr Puddy said...

I do understand the secrets of feather must not reveal ! but did you take lots of nip today ?....heh..heh

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ohhh it looks like the fevver is whispering an important secret to you right now!

Athena said...

lots of nip today, dear?

The Island Cats said...

And fevver toy thanks you for keeping its secrets.

Catsparella said...

You are a true gentleman, Spitty!