Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spitty's Eating Disorder

Happy Toozday, Kittehs!  
So, just because I love to chomp on the leaves of this delicious plant, and then bomit them up again afterwards, the Human said the other day that she thinks I might be "boo-lee-mik." As if!
Purrsonally, I think it's because she watched Black Swan this weekend.


Admiral Hestorb said...

I see a gentle curve to your verreh handsome gentlemanly tummy (sides) and so I protest she says your a boo-lee-mik. Not so. You have a mid section that would do a waistcoat proud if you could wear one.

We like to urk up impurities..so we use greens to do it. Mommy's need to deal wif it.


Anonymous said...

Dear Spitty,
Me likes to eat grass outside, then come inside and yak it up! Me thinks that is the way us cats is!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey Spitty, I do believe that's what it is there for!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Cause and effect.

Spittoon: Rutabaga says if you both eat bacon you'll be too tired (and thirsty) to tunnel rumble. So that's the PLAN!

Angel Simba said...

Mom has not been able to bring herself to watch Black Swan. Now that she knows somebody is boo-lee-mik in it, she wants to even less. Spitty, I think your disorder is a common one, but hat mystifies Mom is why we continue to go back to a plant we KNOW makes us bomit.

Photo Cache said...

Purrsonally we think that's the best way to get your veggies. We eat mama's indoor plant too.

Emma and Buster

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Bulemic my fluffy rear end. You are SUPPOSED to hack up green stuff! It is the humans who have it wrong by NOT eating grass and leaves and hacking them up.

Old Kitty said...

Hello there Spitty! Me and my cat Charlie came over from Tucker Tells All. Lovely Tucker is unable to leave a comment on your post so we are saying hello to you from us and a big HI from your friend, Tucker!!

Awww you take care now, Spitty! x

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMC I was really scared at first that you really had a eating disorder! I am sooo gullible! lol

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what plants are for? We chew on all of Mommy's plants and then barf them up too.

Jacqueline said...

We agree with all your other friends, Spitty=that's what plants are for!...BTW, we're sure those light colored furs on your mancatly chest are very sexy :)...smoochies...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Island Cats said...

Spitty, you're just getting your fiber there!

Ivan from WMD said...

Humans just don't get it, do they.

Just the other day I (and I alone) was keeping my mom company while she was installing a new faucet in the bathroom when I got to bite on a whole bunch of plants! (This is where she hides them from us.) She forgot I could get to them but sadly she moved them away before I could eat enough to yak. At least you have 24-hour access!

Athena said...

Kit does the same fing wif our catnip plant! Mama stepped in it wif her bare foot tonight and saided a bad word!

Mr Puddy said...

Your green look wicked to nom, But I think it will do for YAK !!! heh..heh

Max said...

Dood...that's what it's there for! Didn't they tell her tat when she bought it???

Catsparella said...

But..but..barfing is so fun!!